Hot Yoga



  • Hayesgang
    My only workout is Hot Power Yoga.

    I wear a HRM to my 75 min class and I burn 425-550 calories, it depends on how intense you practice, are you doing all the poses, how quick is the flow or are you going into childs pose/not doing all the pushups etc.

    My class is 95' with 80% humidity - Each studio can make the classes what they want, they do follow the same Sun Salutations but the rest is dependant of the style they teach (my studio is Baron Baptiste). Birkim is a practice of 19 poses done in a certain order (never changes no matter what studio you attend) and does not flow.

    MPF is known to over/under estimate most of the exercises. It's best to invest in a HRM.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You can use this calculator, I've used for Jillian's Yoga Meltdwon, and then just added the exercise into my database.