When TOM comes to visit monthly... feeling unmotivated!



  • southernyankee716
    I think TOM will be visiting me within the next couple of days. I am feeling exhausted and completely drained. I was debating whether or not I would go to the gym tonight. When I feel like this, I don't want to do anything and I know if I decide to go my workout won't be where I want it to be. I figure I will go, do some strength training and hit the sauna.

    The way I look at it, as long as I don't eat two pans of brownies (happened last month) over a two day period, I'm still ahead. :wink:
  • Jenny_Bee
    Day 7 friends. DAY FLIPPING 7. I want to drown myself in chocolate and kill the world! BUT... I will go to the gym tonight and walk it off.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I'm a nasty ***** before TOM arrives, but I've been forcing myself to the gym.

    I put on 5 lbs the week before & few beginning days.... but boy does it come off fast at the end of the week!!!!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Oh how I feel your pain. Im getting mine Friday and I had some serious PMS today. AND there was a red velvet cake and a chocolate cake in the teacher's lounge and one of the students had her birthday and brought in cupcakes. I felt like the universe was toying with me.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Ever since starting birth control I haven't had cravings or tiredness or any PMS symptoms, really. It's wonderful (though I did gain 3 pounds, but that's normal). No matter what I eat though, I always gain weight when the communists are in the fun house. I still get bloated even with the pills (though the bloating makes my boobs perkier, so that's a good thing rsrs)
  • MILFaspirations
    MILFaspirations Posts: 108 Member
    well i haven't done jack squat today!!!

    well i cooked a little... and i am stil under calorie.. so thats a point!
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    I got TOM Sunday and Valentine's day was yesterday. Suffice it to say, my journal reads like a prenant lady on cravings steroids. I'm gonna go ahead and finish my edible arrangement today so I can go back to not having any sweets in the house. This is TOUGH!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you for this post, I needed this!! I feel like going home after work and just sitting, BUT I will get on my damn treadmill not because I want to but because I have to. Thanks for the swift kick in the butt, ladies!! :smooched:
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    i have the same prob when mine come. i don't beat myself up though, i just focus on staying within my cals. if i exercise its a bonus but most of the time i don't. After reading the posts about exercise releaving the cramps i will push myself to do the workout. Time to stop using excuses even if it is totally unbearable!
  • xokelxo
    Reading through these and I'm a little jealou of all these people saying "suck it up." I am usually in so much pain, I can barely sit up straight, nevermind run. I get ridiculous lower back pain. Granted, I do have a life to live and don't have time to sit on my *kitten* for a week, so I tend to. Throw some heating pads on my back and walk the dog or clean, and just make sure I move around at work and school. I watch what I eat like every other week, and it tens to be fine.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Reading through these and I'm a little jealou of all these people saying "suck it up." I am usually in so much pain, I can barely sit up straight, nevermind run. I get ridiculous lower back pain. Granted, I do have a life to live and don't have time to sit on my *kitten* for a week, so I tend to. Throw some heating pads on my back and walk the dog or clean, and just make sure I move around at work and school. I watch what I eat like every other week, and it tens to be fine.

    Aww, pain sucks. Have you ever talked to your doctor about birth control? It really does wonders for PMS and general menstrual pain (though sometimes it takes a lot of switching pills before you find one that works for you). Besides the obvious reason, I take the pill for my PMDD. Before I started, I was absolutely insane around my period. I'd yell at nearly everyone who bothered me in the slightest way, I'd threaten to seriously harm myself or other people (and I'm not suicidal nor am I a violent person), and I basically had to shut myself off from the world so I wouldn't put anyone in danger. It's like I was a completely different person. I was actually psychotic. I'm honestly surprised I never ended up hospitalized, to be honest. But yeah, I'm digressing....if birth control can calm me down from that, you can definitely find one to help with severe pain.

    The best part is that you will always know when your period is going to come after the first 3 months. No joke, my period comes every 4th Wednesday, usually sometime in the early morning to late afternoon. It's like a clock. And it always, without fail, ends the following Sunday. No spotting, minimal cramps (which likely come since I'm bad at taking it at exactly the same time); it's wonderful. The only odd thing was at first, I was little Miss Horny allll the time (that calmed down after a few months though, but my libido is still way stronger than it ever was).
  • Kendrawinn
    I feel unmotivated when Tom is here too, but I push through it and it really helps my cramps and moodiness.... And I'm on nuvaring, but Tom still sucks. I feel ur pain.
  • flopsy1973
    Know the feeling. I always just want to eat at that time . Managed to stick to the diet for now by keeping busy with housework and walking to shop instead of driving :smile:
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Another good reason to workout during TOM--you may burn more calories. I've read this in the past but couldn't find the reference, but I did find this: http://yourhealthista.com/post/117898068/do-women-burn-more-calories-while-on-their-period

    OMG YOU MEAN I MIGHT ACTUALLY LOOK FORWAR TO TOM? Lol well I'll read it b/c cramps have me missing Pilates this morning. I will do my cardio for sure today :-)
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I will go to Pilates this evening...I guess.