Is MFP a hindrance or a help?



  • MeliciousGibson
    I think that RIGHT NOW, in the beginning stages of this journey, I rely completely on MFP. Before I started logging absolutely EVERYTHING, I really had NO IDEA how many calories I was consuming. I am suprised on almost a daily basis at how many calories something is. If I'm unsure, I check with MFP before I eat it. 7 times out of 10 I will refrain from eating it or choose a healthier option because I really wasn't aware of how many calories/fat/sodium/sugars was in a food item.

    I am getting to the point now where I don't feel I absolutely HAVE to log things in, and could still eat around my calorie goal. I say this because I am rarely ever HUNGRY, and I'm never "over-full", either. I always feel satiated and satisfied eating the portions I SHOULD be eating of the foods I SHOULD be eating. However, I'm not ready to give up my "security blanket" yet.

    And I just love that little announcement that I've logged in X amount of days in a row! It lets me know that I've been really sticking with it, and it encourages me to keep going!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    There's actually quite a lot of psychological studies out there that show diligent logging is one of the few effective ways to change eating habits. There are even one or two that show people who log tend to lose some weight over the long term even if they are not trying to!
  • kapspecial
    kapspecial Posts: 67 Member
    Personally, I think it's been a help. I didn't realize or care that up until very recently I was probably eating 3000+ calories a day. I'm on MFP to track my food and activity. To gain some awareness about my personal health and wellness. To eat more intentionally and become an active person. Seeing it and having accountability is helping me develop new behavior and a new mindset about food and activity. In my mind once I reach my goal weight and have maintained it for at least a year, perhaps I'll stop. I'll evaluate things when I get there. In the meantime, I'm tracking like a hawk and reaching out to my MFP friends for support and suggestions.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Today, it's a hindrance. my productivity, as all I've been doing is surfing the forums.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Try it and see.

    It's a tool to use if you want to, but it's be no means required.
  • norariz
    norariz Posts: 18 Member
    HELP!!!!! If I didn't log that candy, or those chips, I would be right back to a 3000 calorie day!

    I agree!!!!!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I am the perfect example ...i have been gone since July and gained back 8 lbs dammit ...Seems the minute I get comfortable with my weight boom I slack off ... Started at 177 got down to 130 and now it slowly is coming back to bite my in the @ss grrrrr . If its a crutch its one worth keeping hehehe
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I log everything - I don't login from work, but do use the Android app to scan my food items if I eat a boxed lunch. Right now it is a great help - as I cannot estimate what a serving looks like. I am learning and by using MFP I can see what I eat, track it and make better decisions. So right now a big help.
  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    It's a help. I use it now, because I wasn't doing a good job of assesing the right amount of food on my own without help. When I get to the my proper weight, and have done maintenance for a while, I'm sure that I will be able to eyeball the correct amounts of foods. Some day I won't be logging every calorie, but now I am.
  • jezlightyear
    jezlightyear Posts: 167 Member
    Today, it's a hindrance. my productivity, as all I've been doing is surfing the forums.

    baha, forreal!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I asked myself this same question recently. I lost most of my weight before joining this site, so I knew I didn't need it to lose. And I met my goal, exceeded it in fact, but decided I still wanted to lose just a little more. I wondered if I'm having trouble with the last few because they are the last few, or because I am worrying about calories too much now, whereas before I just concentrated on hunger, healthy food and exercise.

    I'm still not sure of the answer but I've decided to stop worrying about the calories so much, but still log. I've found that by listening to my body rather than shooting for a specific number I don't eat the same number of calories per day. Some days I'm as low as 1010, others I eat over 2000.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I tried to 'wing it' during December. I gained like three pounds in two months. I need MFP to keep me accountable to my health. *for now.
  • kapspecial
    kapspecial Posts: 67 Member
    Today, it's a hindrance. my productivity, as all I've been doing is surfing the forums.

    This is REAL talk. I need to log out...but I won't...
  • bowenter
    bowenter Posts: 2 Member
    Keep logging! As a yo-yo dieter who has lost and gained 50 pounds at least 10 times over a life-time, I am convinced that logging is essential to weight loss.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been able to take all weekends off from logging since June, plus some random weeks here and there, and pretty much the entire month of January... without gaining.

    I've got the hang of how much food to eat to maintain my weight. At this stage, I'm logging to make sure I'm getting the right nutrients as I amp up my strength training and get back into running, not so much to stay under my calories.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member

    it depends on the day of the week

    but as whole It helps me stay accountable for my eating and I need it for right now to keep me on track
  • bluehenjen
    bluehenjen Posts: 29 Member
    I think it's very helpful. I have a pretty good idea of the nutritional value of various foods and I'm pretty good about not overeating (at least, not on a regular basis)...but knowing I'll have to log that Grande Caramel Macchiato into MFP does make me think twice about ordering it. It makes me more aware of my food choices: "If I have this Starbucks drink now, I can't have X for dinner" or "If I have this drink, I need to jog an extra 1.5 miles."

    What I really love about MFP is tracking my exercise. I make use of the Notes section (located at the bottom of the screen where you enter your daily exercise info). I use the Notes as a training journal and I can look back and see how much I've improved my strength and cardio endurance. It really motivates me!
  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    i find it much easier to track while logging...i notice if i don't log even for a few days my calories slowing increase...i didn't read what anyone else wrote (so i may be repeating others) but i def think this website helps me to be aware of what and how much i am consuming. I have become much more aware of portion size also. When i fully dedicated myself to logging faithfully is when i started to drop the most weight. Hope that helps....and i am honest even if i go way over my calories about what i ate that day.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I NEED MFP I was using the site for a few months and decided I didnt need it anymore and well 8 months later I am back and 30lbs heavier... for me the community aspect helps a ton it makes me feel like I have to stay in my calorie limits because I dont want to disappoint the people who are being so supportive to me. Also seeing the numbers all on the screen in front of me makes me really not want to eat anythign with a high calorie #!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    After 550+ consecutive days I stopped logging for a while to see if I broke my dependence. I did ok, but missed logging, so I'm back at it :)

    MFP is habit forming and that is probably a good thing.. But it can take a while for the habits to truly take hold.