Low Sugar snack?

Hey! I'm looking for snacks that don't double my sugar count (my face is starting to get a bit spotty, especially with eating mangos I think). I am trying to avoid yogurt as i am getting really bad eczema at the moment and the milk makes it worse (on that point, any other ways to get calcium?). I am a bit worried that i'm not getting enough protien, my periods have became really sporadic even though i'm now eating about 1750-1850 calories a day (my maintenance calories would be 1940). So I'm wondering what would be good to snack on? I sometimes have nits but they're not really that filling, I have humous and rice cakes, oatcakes and fruit but i am now thinking that the fruit has too much sugar in it? I have my five a day at meals in vegetables so the fruit isnt totally necessary, If I stopped eating so much fruit, what could I use to fill the void?

TO be honest, I am trying to eat really healthily but my energy levels are really flagging, my eczema is getting worse and I just dont feel healthy, I actually felt better when I was snacking on chocolate (once a day, then humous, nuts, fruit the rest of the day).

Any help here would be much appreciated.
