Protein shakes?



  • andier1686
    Just accepted your friends request.
    Have to break it to you sweetie but there are no magic shakes, drinks, bars, food, pills, sprinkles, drops or shots. Eat well balanced meals and exercise hard. Trust me I have tried most "diets" (hate that word now) and waisted my time, money and hope on them and guess what, every pound I ever lost on any of them came back eventually. I had to change my stinkin thinkin. Maybe you should change your way of thinking and don't use the word diet. Make healthy choices for a lifestyle change that will last. Replace your old habbits with new and healthy ones. I'm half way to my initial goal and I feel so much better knowing that it was my hard work and good choices that got me here. It's alot cheaper too.

    Yeah! thanks for accepting as well.
    Anyways, I researched a little yesterday about protein shake and it ain't so bad.. but since i'm on a tight budget and wanted to save and get healthy with fruits and veggies... I found out that OATMEAL can replace the POWDER of the SHAKE yey! how good is that?! and you can add the REAL fruit of leafy veggies in the blender.. I was so excited that i purchased a regular oatmeal.. plus put in 2bananas and a whole mango... hahaha so happy! i had 2 500ml homemade shake for breakfast:laugh: