is desperate!

Hi guys! My name is Paige. I have been married to my husband going on 4 years. My husband is about to deploy for a year, and will be leaving on March 22. I am 207 pounds, and wants to lost ATLEAST 50 pounds, more the better. How fast are you ladies losing weight with myfitnesspal? Thanks!


  • Hey Paige! I'm sorry to hear that your husband is deploying. What branch is he? I've had to go through deployment/weight struggles over the past couple of years too. I would love to help you out! I'm new to this site, so I'm not quite sure how everything works. You can email me if you would like. :)
  • How much you lose will really depend on the changes you make. Simply counting calories and controlling portions will help out alot, but if you really want to get it right you have to pay attention to protein vs carb intake. Also limiting processed sugars and salt will help ALOT! In college, I dropped 10 pounds in a month simply by cutting out fried foods and processed sugars. It doesn't come off that quickly now, but it doesn't hurt to pay more attention to those things.

    Also the amount of exercise you plan on doing will make a difference.

    Finally, stress. I'm a military spouse to and deployments (coming up on #5) definitely pile on the stress. I usually eat my stress, if you know what I mean. Instead, this time I'll be working it out at the gym. You might want to try a yoga class a couple times a week just to help "let go" of some of that stress that likes to live in the body.

    I'm currently losing 1.5 per week, but I'm pretty close to my goal weight so I didn't have alot to lose. The biggest thing is not to give up if you hit a plateau for a couple of weeks. It will come off eventually and making lifestyle changes are the best way to do it. :smile:

    Good luck!