are you a closet binge-eater?



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I've never eaten a closet before :laugh:

    But I used to eat a packet of biccies and then try and hide the pack in the bin.

    I don't binge eat any more, but I know I have tendencies such as the other day when I managed to plough my way through about 10 biccies over the course of the day... ok better than gorging on them all at once, but I just felt myself going back again and again to the biscuit tin.

    Some habits are harder to break than others, but I know I've got a much better handle on food than before :happy:
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    can we NOT talk about chips. Pleeeeeeeease?


    that's the thing, one thought leads to another, leads me reaching for something even though I'm thinking "you're not hungry," "if you're hungry eat that banana over there instead of this junk," "if I don't want the healthy thing then this isn't about fueling my body its about an emotional craving" and I eat the something instead anyway, feeling terrible.

    maybe I'll ll try to find an eating disorder clinic. see if they have any real guidance instead of hearing "you're fine" from my general practictioner and gyno.
  • TheBakerGirl

    Yep! Worst feeling. When I see people complain that they "binged" because they overate by a couple hundred calories I always think, "Oh, you do NOT know a real binge," lol.... Have to laugh so I don't cry ;)

    Yes, I totally don't understand this! Overeating and pigging-out are definitely not the same thing as a binge! What I really don't understand is people who talk about "planned binges." Anyone who really knows what it feels like to have a problem with binge eating knows it isn't something you can "plan." It's the worst feeling in the world. I never want to plan that into my routine!

    I can relate, ladykate. I was nervous to talk about the problem, and I tried to share it with a nutritionist. She basically told me my bmr was normal, I needed to eat more veggies, and that I should buy some food supplements she was selling. Duh lady, I work out and eat healthy…I can't lose the weight because I have an eating disorder…it isn't lack of veggies or my bmr. I'm still struggling with it and pray every day that I'll find an alternate way to deal with my emotions.

    Good luck to you! We can do this.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Yes, absolutely. I was trying to write a longer response but to be honest it is hard to talk about. There is definitely a difference between just overeating and having an issue with serious binge eating. I've struggled with this since I was a little girl and this behaviour is the cause of my weight problems.