Shell shocked new vegan.



  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Did you know your alleged "real" wheat, corn, etc is genetically modified? Humans have been genetically modifying food since they started doing agriculture 10,000 years ago. Most of the time, gm crops are engineered so they provide more health benefits (e.g., rice with a higher percentage of vitamin A, corn with a lower fat content, etc).

    Not trying to be mean, I just know a lot of people think they need to avoid all gm foods, but the reality is that we don't eat anything that has not been genetically modified, whether it's been modified in a lab or modified by crossing different species and hoping for the best. Really, the only instance in which gm foods are bad is if someone has a corn allergy, and they might develop an allergy to soy with corn DNA. Companies just exploit the whole no gmo thing to charge you more for foods that have been genetically modified for thousands of years.

    Also, the US doesn't really have super specific organic regulations and lots of places charge you up the butt for organic foods. If you want to save money, you don't have to buy organic (ex: bananas. Organic: 99 cents/pound. Non-organic: 59 cents/pound)

    Anyways, this is getting off topic, soooo OP, if no one mentioned it, go to for a bunch of vegan recipes (not just for food either - they have recipes for soaps and such if you're going to be a super vegan.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383

    I am trying to stay GF. Vegans CAN eat grains and sugar, but often eat TOO MUCH of them b/c They are veagn, yummy, but I don't think they should be eaten in excess. I like quinoa, lentils, legumes... but no REFINED grains.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    Why are you going vegan? No grains, no meat, no sugar, no dairy, no eggs that's a lot to give up.

    Grains are meat? why is grain (which the last time I checked, a plant on the list of No-No's)

    I am sorry, I guess I really dont see the difference in being a vegetarian and then going vegan. cutting out dairy and eggs should not be that difficult.

    GIving up dairy, at least cheese for me, is extremely difficult. It is one of my favorite things to eat. Just think of how many dishes one eats that contains cheese/dairy....especially comfort foods. It is very difficult to give up...just like any food someone loves and eat on a very regular basis.

    It really isn't that hard if you're motivated to go vegan.

    Even if motivated, which I am, can still be difficult. People aren't cookie cutter. It is a struggle for me.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't eat grains usually, though I have had a few cliff bars, (Which are hidden now. :ohwell:) I don't eat sugar either... well, I have moments of weakness every now and then....
    Sorry to be ignorant about this, but I've googled and found nothing. Vegans can eat grains and sugar, right??

    Some vegans don't eat regular cane sugar because it is processed using animal bone char (to make it white, of all things!), so a dead animal was still used. There is vegan can sugar that is not processed in such a way. There are lots of things using animals that are nearly impossible to avoid, like asphalt and tires, but while recognizing this many vegans at least try to avoid directly consuming anything using animals. Just depends on the vegan.
  • TheBauhausCure
    TheBauhausCure Posts: 21 Member
    I'm an ethical vegan turned health vegan. When I say ethical vegan, I mean I was eating vegan cheese products, vegan chicken patties...etc. As a health vegan, I've been eating a lot more fruits and veggies and other whole foods (Watch forks over knives, it's a great wake up)

    Might I suggest the cookbooks 'Vegan with a vengeance' and 'appetite for reduction'? Also check out the youtube show 'The Vegan Zombie'. Fantastic recipes for vegans like me who dislike a lot of healthy food.