Always FREEZING since starting this diet. Anyone else?



  • hdtoolgirl
    hdtoolgirl Posts: 93 Member
    Me too! The only thing I can attribute mine to is that I work out and sweat a lot and perhaps that's how I get chilled down? I shower right after the workout and I feel warm but wow,, as soon as I'm out and dressed I'm freezing cold for 2-3 hours at least.

    Totally!!! me too!!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Yup - ALWAYS cold! You'll learn to layer!!
  • dayylight
    I'm anemic so I'm used to being cold a lot but it has definitely increased since I started losing weight. I just bundle up more.
  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member
    Same here! I drink caffeine free unsweetened hot tea all day at work to keep me warm.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Between more water, less insulation and fewer calories you are probably just running at a lower temperature all the time. My advice is layers! Because I also have a thyroid issue thrown in, layers are my best friend! Never know when the office will be colder than usual or warmer, in my case it varies by the hour, it helps having a sweater in my desk drawer.
  • anzabeth
    I know I get cold when I'm losing too. I think it is my body adjusting to the new level of insulation. When I was really heavy I was always hot. When I'm losing fast, I get colder. Then I stabilize for a while and feel warmer. Then lose and freeze. Just a cycle. I always attribute it to less insulation.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    happens to me, but mostly after i eat

    Feeling cold after you eat is a sign of hypothyroid!
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Same issue here - I have lost 112 pounds in the last year and went from being the girl in flip flops and shorts standing in a snow storm to having to wear several layers of clothing and STILL freezing. Had blood work done 2 weeks ago and everything came back normal - dr said fat keeps you warm and you don't have much anymore

    it sucks!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It's not a diet. Please don't use the D word. Some of us ate healthy before MFP now we just track the quantity.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I welcome the change in the summer since I used to sweat so bad that I couldn't wear makeup. It was so embarassing! The winters are brutal now though since I live in Ontario Canada. No we don't use dog sleds :laugh: but it can get VERY cold. With the wind chill it can reach -40 Celsius. I used to be ok as long as I was bundled up but now I like to hibernate all winter if possible.
  • lilfurson
    I always take being cold while eating right as a sign my body is burning calories :)
  • gkeeton
    I have lost 25 pounds in the last year, 19 since starting on mfp last July. I feel cold more often now but figured it was from less insulation.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    you lost your least that's what people told me, lol....i'm always cold now!
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    I am cold natured to start with so hasn't changed for me - but my hubby is hot natured and he has been complaining he is cold .... we said no more insulation too ! LOL
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I am cold all the time too! People at work think I'm crazy. I had to drink two cups of decaf coffee at lunch just to try to get warm. I try to only have one cup of caffeine a day because it wires me.
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I think it has to do with water intake. I can tell a major difference in how I feel when I drink a lot of water.
    I am FREEZING right now and I am on my 2nd bottle of water for the day (23oz bottle).
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I have been freezing like crazy and this is the warmest winter we have had! I never slept with the covers on me and always had a fan on. Last night slept with the covers and a sweatshirt on and my house was 72 degrees! I swear the cold is going straight to my bones!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Yup, chilly here too. Cold hands and cold feet. I guess it's just more motivation to get moving!
  • peytjalmom
    Same thing here. I used to sleep with the fan on all winter. Now I spoon my boston terrier for warmth.

    LOL! I spoon my chihuahua for warmth!
  • chellk71
    you may also be anemic.