so confused

ok i need some help understanding things once again...I workout hard almost 6 days a week I record everything i eat down to the last bite and still my weight and inches lost aren't great... I have lost 6 3/4 inches i started working out on Jan1 but didn't record measurements until Jan 4 and i have lost 7.4 pounds of the 20 i am hoping and wanting to loose. i weigh 147 now had a set back for two weeks with no weight loss cause of TOM. I am 28 5' 6". So just so you have an idea of what i have been doing:

Monday Spinning fusion class (45 mins of spinning, followed by 55 mins of weight lifting, streching, abs, yoga varies each week)
Tuesday 60 mins of Zumba 10 mins of abs
wed. Spinning fusion
Thursday 60 Mins of zumba with toning sticks i use the 2.5 pound sticks
Friday 60 mins of Zumba
Saturday I am usually at work (chef at a hotel) so this is usually my day off but if i do make it to the gym 60 mins of elliptical interval training
Sunday 55 mins of spinning

Ok so now you know what i have been doing can you tell me why when i was doing the 30 Day shred i lost more weight and inches than i do with my intense workouts? I just can't understand how 27 mins once a day and burning 600 to 700 calories less was benifitting me more than my almost 1300 calorie burns?!!! HELP lol Do i just need to weight lift more and cardio less not sure please help me to understand... thanks


  • beckerbaker

    I don't claim to be an authority on this at ALL, but my instinct is that you are actually exercising too much. Are you eating a lot of carbs each day? If not, maybe keep your carbs in the breakfast & lunch times. (Hopefully you are eating breakfast!) It helps to eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep metabolism up. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Drink lots of water. Nothing unusual but things that always worked for me.

    I've always found (personally) that lower intensity workouts generally work really well. The weights help tone up and trim inches. I used to walk briskly (4mph) for an hour a night and it falls OFF. BUT, as it happens I have heel spurs that are so painful I can barely walk normally anymore let alone for exercise. So I've been alternating my elliptical and dvds that combine cardio & weighs (The Firm). I seriously sweat to both. It's good but it's hard to believe that its not coming off as fast as with walking. A real mystery.

    Good luck!