Starting the journey

5'11, 25 year old looking to get back to my playing weight from college.
Started the journey about 2 weeks ago at 225lbs. Down to 217.4 lbs in 2 weeks using mfp and very light exercise.

My goal is to get myself back down to about 170-175 (college weight) with primarily cardio, and then mix in strength training to get myself back up to a lean and healthy 190. I'm cutting back on carbs and trying to have 3 meals and 2 snacks throughout the day.
Also, I have quit soda and coffee cold turkey for over 2 weeks now!!!

Always good to have friends throughout the journey.


  • Thats so great that you're making so many healthy choices! Especially the cutting of soda!!! More people need to get on this one. If you are wanting to lose weight I would still suggest strength training with weights 2 times a week. The more lean muscle you have the more calories your body burns when you're working out and when you're not as well.

    Again, awesome job! Keep it up :)
  • Thanks for the input Richelle. I've actually gotten that a lot, so will be trying to do that from here on out.
  • Congrats on the current loss! I've always heard you need to start with a solid plan and then alter it based on your needs and it sounds like you have a solid start! Good luck!!!