How do moms fit in the exercise?

I have a 3year old and a 6month old at home with me all day. A 9 year old during non school hours. My husband works straight night shifts so he doesn't get up until about 2pm, leaves for work at 6pm.

I've been told I need to stop making excuses and find the time to exercise. I just don't know when.

Getting up early doesn't work, besides the fact that neither of the two youngest sleep the night...the baby is super attached to me, and if I get up/out of bed he's up within minutes as well.

I've tried through the day, but I can never get both to nap at the same time so I'm always being interrupted.

Even when he gets up DH is useless unti 3ish, and by than I'm helping my daughter with her homework and starting supper/baths etc.

Its frustrating, because after the first and the second I had the time, now I just don't seem to have enough time in the day to fit anything in.


  • maryellen8301
    maryellen8301 Posts: 100 Member
    not that ive done it.. but have you ever looked into to working out with the "baby" i know there are classes that you can take, where you "use" the child as your weight.. something to look in too.. also maybe when it gets nice out walking and playing at the park might help too...

    wishing you the best
  • BorderMommy
    Now I am lucky enough to have joined a gym with a nursery. The promise of a little kid free time is enough to get to me the gym every time. Before the gym I would throw my youngest in the stroller and run or walk with her. Another option for me has been exercise DVD's with both the kids playing near by. Often my four year old will get up and join in.

    Good Luck!
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    i have a 10 week old baby and a 4 year old. it's really hard but try to involve the older kid in the workout. my daughter loves to "workout" with me. she plays and tries to do what i do. and when im doing floor work, she wipes the sweat off my head. that's the only advice i could think of
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    I have an 11yo, 10yo, 5yo, and 3yo. I get up an hour before them and do a dvd. Then, I will either put them in the double jogger (the younger 2...while older ones are at school) and go walk/jog/run. I have a rain cover for rainy days. I also have been known to put in a movie for them (or put on their favorite show), and go in another room to get my workout in. My 3yo LOVES to do Jillian Michaels workouts with me ;)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My niece works out with me, its the only way to kee her out of my way. She pretends barbies are her weights and "does strength training" with them.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i didn't fit it in for a long time, but just over a year ago i decided it was time to prioritise me, and give myself an hour every day. so i started doing exercises in the shed on my cross trainer and bike. and i would just let them play around me, and ignore their constant requests for things. and say to them, no you have to wait for 40 minutes. sure there was some carry on, fighting, screaming, yelling, but hell, they aren't going to starve in an hour, surely.

    then i started at the gym, and put them in the creche. every week for 52 weeks, i have been to the gym 4-5 times a week excepting maybe 2 weeks. now, it's just part of my day. do the school run, then straight to the gym. sure, it gets in the way and i have to change things to fit it in, and make sacrifices. but I AM WORTH an hour a day and everything MUST wait.

    We don't go to playgroup anymore, we go to the gym creche instead. really, what is the different? I constantly cook, clean, vacum, wash, fold, put away, tidy, run around after, find activities for my kids. so an hour for me, gives me fitness, health, sanity. and probably gives the kids a nice break from me and nagging them to tidy up their mess.

    It's not always convenient, and often is a pain in the butt. but i rely on it for my stress relief now, for my hour of sanity and just chilling out with nobody asking me to wipe their bottom, nobody asking for food, drinks, nobody fighting and wanting me to take their side.

    Yep, i've made excuses, and put on ridiculous amounts of weight while doing so. Now, no more excuses. i am worth the money i spend on the gym. and it's not more than i spend on activities for the kids. so why should i miss out?
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I watch my 2 and 4 year old all day, until my wife gets home, then i work 4pm to midnight, then i go to the gym from midnight until about 130a, and get home about 2am, sleep until 7am, then do it all over..............

    So there is a way.............

    I may not be a "mom" technically, but I thnk that my day to day qualifies me as one
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    when your oldest is at school get the pram and walk with your two youngest children to the park. That way your 3yr old will actually want to go with you. I have a 3yr old, my partner is only home on the weekends, I study full time at university am 8 months pregnant and even I exersize I just take my daughter with me walking or we dance lol she loves to dance
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Tell me about it! I have an 8 year old, a 2 year old and a 7 month old! My 7 month old is also very attached to me. When I first started I woke up early, dropped my oldest at school and worked out in my living room. Sometimes I finished and sometimes the baby made me finish early. But if you can get a good 10-20 minutes of jumping, jogging in place, "tae bo" style boxing, etc then you are good for your AM workout. I would also wait for baby to fall asleep after dinner around 8-9pm and get in another 20-45 minutes. Whatever I could handle. I did that for 3 weeks without going to a gym or any workout videos, just me and my Ipod and I lost 8lbs! Since then I joined a gym and go early in the morning while baby is still sleeping. If she wakes up, then I just do my evening workout at home.
    Good luck, I know how hard it is. You would be surprised. You think you dont have the energy to do more, but once you try it, you find out you do. Go for it! I believe in you!
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    I too am lucky enough to have found a gym with amazing "club care" - not only do I get to work out, the kids get to play with other kids, do crafts, play ball, etc. My kids get up early in am telling me "let's go to the gym":)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I would take mine on a sleep/nap/walk for about 1 1/2 hours. They would get fresh air and a great nap and I would get my exercise! When it was just my daughter, I would do the same thing and in a year I was back to pre-baby weight! then I got pregnant again! :)
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    Also,I will get them all to bed (8:30pm-ish) and do a half hour on the treadmill or elliptical. I feel so good for bed ;)

    Good luck. It is tough to figure the right routine, but well worth it!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I do it in the early- mid afternoon, my 5 year old i put on his fav show and give him a drink so he doesn't ask, and either my 1 year old naps or she helps me by pushing on me while i do my push ups or sitting on me while i do my crunches, my own personal trainer lol... you could also carry the 6 month old around the house with you in a carrier, do some squats etc lol
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    how abt taking them in a stroller when you go for a walk?
  • kduggan24
    kduggan24 Posts: 6 Member
    i work out at home. Beachbody has a wide variety and 10 minute trainer is awesome. if you want you can get a free membership and look around. It's the only thing that has worked so far for this busy mom. I cant post up a link but if you friend me on FB (kristy richardi duggan) I'd be happy to share.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I have a 3year old and a 6month old at home with me all day. A 9 year old during non school hours. My husband works straight night shifts so he doesn't get up until about 2pm, leaves for work at 6pm.

    I've been told I need to stop making excuses and find the time to exercise. I just don't know when.

    Getting up early doesn't work, besides the fact that neither of the two youngest sleep the night...the baby is super attached to me, and if I get up/out of bed he's up within minutes as well.

    I've tried through the day, but I can never get both to nap at the same time so I'm always being interrupted.

    Even when he gets up DH is useless unti 3ish, and by than I'm helping my daughter with her homework and starting supper/baths etc.

    Its frustrating, because after the first and the second I had the time, now I just don't seem to have enough time in the day to fit anything in.

    Drugs... Funnel in benadryl....


    I wait until after bedtime.
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    Also,I will get them all to bed (8:30pm-ish) and do a half hour on the treadmill or elliptical. I feel so good for bed ;)

    Good luck. It is tough to figure the right routine, but well worth it!

    ^^^^^^^ This. Claim that time as yours. It's good to set that nighttime routine.
  • megggsss
    megggsss Posts: 72 Member
    I have a 3.5 year old.

    When I do cardio I get her to join in with me doing sit ups, push ups, jogging etc.

    When I do weights I just have her watch her cartoons while I work out, or color, play with her toys etc... I can still see what she is doing.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Does the 6 mo nap?

    Over the summer I got up at 5-6am to do Turbo Fire videos. I also will often let my older kids watch a movie, while the baby naps and then I'll workout (we have some home equipment).
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    I have a 6, 4, and a two year old. My 6 yr old is in school. However my other two will work out right along side of me when I am at home doing my dvd or copy my moves I do when doing any of my wii exercises! Plus I also go to the local YMCA where they have babysitting. I also have a membership at a gym that is open 24 hours, that way if I can't get it in when I am at home with them, I can always do it after work or when the husband is home. There is always an option. Another great thing I do, that lets my children be involved....................DANCING!!! My girls love to dance, my youngest always has me hold her, that has to burn even more calories!!!