Stopped Losing weight

I would like to know why for the past month have I not lost weight? I have not changed my diet still on it but losing motivation fast. I am excersising the same I am so frustrated. Your opinions are appreciated.


  • violette50
    violette50 Posts: 5 Member
    I've only lost 9 pounds and have been stuck too! I've been tracking every day, and started doing aerobic activity. so frustrating!
  • Loseweight1980
    Hi! Have your measurements changed? Clothes feeling looser, stuff like that? Sometimes, you'll hit a point where your body is trying to build muscle and it will take up the slack for any weight in fat you're losing. Could also be a hormone thing, we women are notorious for stupid hormones throwing things off track!!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    It's just harder for some people, I really struggle myself. Best thing to do is to keep at it, don't see the change in eating and exercise as something to over come but a lifestyle change.
  • Monsieurt
    As crazy as it sounds, you, may not be eating enough and as a result your body may be going into survival mode to avoid starvation. Try a week of uping your calories by 250-500 kcals a day and see what happens - eat more of the right foods - no junk :-)