Were you been discriminated because of your weight or appear

I'm a mestiza (or mixed race). I was born & grew up in the other side of the world where white & having Caucasian features are considered beautiful & classy. When I was young it was all about my appearance & although I do have some Caucasian features but I was dark-skinned so its why I was ridiculed. Also I was thin & sickly child. All the time my classmates (majority are boys) were making fun of me, punched on me & even spitted on me because I look different. When I reached my teens, it was all about my weight. I started to pack on weight when I was 15 & this time it got even worse because even my own family got involved in it from them. They treat my skinny sister much better than me while they keep telling me that "you're so fat & now you cannot wear this & that because it will look ugly on you" or "you're sister looks beautiful because she is thin while look at yourself you're so fat". Also several guys told me they would rather be seen on the public with an unattractive looking thin girl than with somebody as fat as me. When I was looking for a job while they didn't ask me on weight issues on interviews but later on I found out that they hired somebody who is a lot thinner than me despite that she doesn't have any experience with the job.

Fast forward to almost 2 decades & now that I'm in shape, I observe that people are starting to treat me better now. However the discrimination doesn't end there because it only shifted back to my appearance although this time they try to "mask" it by saying things like "you look pretty, you must have a lot of money", "you look like a millionaire's daughter, I don't think you even know how to clean up your desk" although to be honest I only earn bare enough to survive but some people think I'm being selfish whenever I don't give something. Aside from that I have been a target of those pickpocketers. Note that here where I am, mixed looking people are often stereotyped as rich. I don't mean to generalize everyone from here as I also met some who are great but I just state what I experience from the majority here.

These things make me really sad until now & I never felt once in my life that I belong here which is why I don't have any true friends from here. The ones I have are online but they are really true friends who are there with me both in good & bad times while those in real life are only with me when I'm good.

I know this is a very delicate topic but I want to know if anyone had or is having the same issues as well.