Getting Started

I've never actually had a workout routine. I used to just be naturally active and in shape but in the last 4-5 years my activity level has gone way down and I am the most out of shape I have ever been in my life. My fiance's 50 something year old mother is in waaay better shape than I am in and it's embarrassing to me.

I need advice on how to start building some strength and a good routine. I like yoga but haven't been able to find a great dvd to do at home. Also, when is the best time to work out? I'm not a morning person and I am pretty beat when I get home from work most days (prob cause I'm out of shape though,lol).

Any and all advise is welcome :)


  • 4KatieLynn4
    i would defiantly recommend the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred!! its great only 20 min a day, and i have seen really great results from myself and others doing it! I do it the second (literally) i wake up, Its best for me to do it then, because i get so tired throughout the day that i wont want to do it! The first few days its pretty hard, but by the 5th day it was a piece of cake!
  • KP5555
    KP5555 Posts: 46 Member
    I second 30 day shred. It is a very good 20 minute workout. Its kicking my butt into shape.