Chest pains...

For a little over two weeks now i have been having chest pains..its more like pressure on my chest rather than cramps or heart pain. I think it may either be from anxiety or from 30 day shred. Has anyone experienced anything like this? i have waited a little to see if the pain goes away to see if it was just from pulling a muscle but its been 2 weeks now and im getting worried since it hasnt gone away... im making a doctors appointment tomorrow but i am getting frustrated since it is interfering with my work outs and i seem to have no energy! I know i wont find any real answers until i go to the doctor but anyones input would be appreciated :)


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    See a doctor! It may not be my place to say this but in your picture you look pretty thin. Sometimes when you aren't eating enough OR getting enough electrolytes your heart suffers. This is why a lot of anorexics have heart attacks and heart issues. Sorry if this scares you, I actually think you look pretty healthy, but you never know.

    Just make sure you get it checked out and best of luck to you! :)
  • mjmlodge
    i never have had that feeling. but, geez, i'd be nervous too. let us know what the doc says. take care!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    why is this question being asked here and not at your doctor's office?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Doctor. NOW. I don't care if it's nighttime to to emergency (if you're American provided your health care covers it) DO NOT MESS WITH THIS.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Doctor. NOW. I don't care if it's nighttime to to emergency (if you're American provided your health care covers it) DO NOT MESS WITH THIS.

    What she said. You do not want to mess around with this. There can be many causes for this but it is for the DR. to figure it out!!! Hopefully it isn't something serious, I wish you well and hope for the best.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Go to the ER. Now. The fact that it has not gone away can be sooooo many things from like you said...strained muscle to worse. The fatigue??? Seriously concerning.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You need to talk to your doctor and go see a pulmonologist and a cardiologist.

    I have a congenital heart defect that started with symptoms a lot like what you are describing. This can be very serious so do not brush it off. When you go see your doctor, get an EKG done. He/she should be able to do this in the office.

    The symptoms you are describing can indicate a number of heart, lung, or other issues, some very severe, and some mild.

    It might be in your best interest to go to the ER if you are having symptoms now. Otherwise, get into your doctor tomorrow for an EKG to rule out arrythmias, valve malfunctions, and murmurs. Don't let your doctors brush you off either. I had 3 doctors tell me my heart issue was "not serious" before I finally got to my cardiologist who did the actual tests to figure out what was wrong with me and treat it. Do not let it slide!!!!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    You may have a hiatal hernia..... I have one and it makes you get a dull pain in your chest right around the area of your heart. You may also have something called GERD aka heartburn lol eat 2 tums and see what happens... lay off coffee and acidic foods/drinks. If it continues I'd call your doc :-)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    It's worth getting it checked out if there is nothing that you are aware of that would cause the pain. Is it a certain movement you are doing or is it a pain that comes on after?

    I get chest pains every time I work out at the moment but I know the reason why and in my case it's a pain in a muscle but it's a sharp pain, when I was first having this pain I was in hospital though.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you all for your advice, i know to find out answers i need to seek a doctor which im doing today, quite nervous about what the results are going to be but i know it can just get worst if i put it off any longer..and i looked into the EKG test i didnt knwo what that was and read about sounds like the best way to find out what is wrong. I think it is from severe anxiety and i have a problem with binge eating..and both were really starting up again when the pain answer your question isnt a sharp pain it just feels as if someone is pressing on my chest..not sever unbearable pain or anything but its been there every day some days more noticeable than others but i dont think it is anythign to do with my heart because the pain switches sides on my chest some days its my left and somedays its the right side. Thank you all for your concern and advice.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Having more info it does sound like it could be anxiety. But ultimatly your doctor will be the best person to tell you. Please keep us updated!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Thank you all for your advice, i know to find out answers i need to seek a doctor which im doing today, quite nervous about what the results are going to be but i know it can just get worst if i put it off any longer..and i looked into the EKG test i didnt knwo what that was and read about sounds like the best way to find out what is wrong. I think it is from severe anxiety and i have a problem with binge eating..and both were really starting up again when the pain answer your question isnt a sharp pain it just feels as if someone is pressing on my chest..not sever unbearable pain or anything but its been there every day some days more noticeable than others but i dont think it is anythign to do with my heart because the pain switches sides on my chest some days its my left and somedays its the right side. Thank you all for your concern and advice.

    It could all be down to muscles, I had a procedure in hospital last December and at first I was getting tight chest pains like someone was sat on my chest, they did explain it would be bruising and swelling in the muscles as I'd had a tube stuck up through an artery but it could mean, in your case, that there might be something your doing that's aggravating it. If you can think of anything that might have happened I would mention it, I hate going to the doctors as I always forget what I need to say, at the moment I have a list to mention when I'm in next Monday! Good Luck!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    If you have chest pains for any reason you need to be evaluated by your doctor and I too think you should go to the ER since it is something you are having all of the time for at least two weeks. One thing, don't let them explain it away as anxiety and don't go in there saying "I have anxiety and I am having chest pains." Request the EKG and an ECHO. I had a heart problem and I believe that my symptoms were dismissed thought to be caused by depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure due to being overweight. I didn't have chest 'pain' either, but it was more of a pressure. Pain/discomfort can be on either side. Please go asap. If it is your heart and it is being damaged, you want to know about that sooner rather than later. If it isn't your heart, then you can figure out what direction to move in.

    ETA: for me the depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and weight gain were all CAUSED by my heart defect.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    You should have gone when the pain started.......the best person to tell you anything is the Doctor, however if she or he thinks it is serious then they send you to the ER anyway........that is where you should have gone right away.............

    I had slight pains and SOB at times and put it off thinking is was my asmatha...........well it turns out even after they did a stress test and told me I was fine one week later I had a Heart Attack.............I had a stent put in 2005 and I am feeling great just trying to lose this weight now and getting regular check ups...........wish you luck and please take care of yourself...........

    Let me know how you make out...........
  • djssteffen1
    Good news after two weeks your still alive so maybe not a heart attack but never ignore chest pain if you don't have known reason like lifting weights a long run or some injury. If your young and depending on family history not so much concern but I know to many folks over 50 that have "not felt good" laid for a nap and never got up again. So doctors are useful in sorting these things out. You soudl know your cholesterol and lipid numbers anyhow and that can give you a lot of confidence in not worrying about hear. Yes anxiety can feel almost like a heart attack. Don;t worry be happy ............and see you doctor.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    The doctor did and EKG test, took my blood pressure, took blood, and urine sample... blood pressure and EKG came out good and were just waiting on the blood test results which should come in tomorrow.. he thinks it is anxiety seeing as how the EKG came out normal. After the blood results we will go from there..hopefully its nothing!