Any of you ladies have PCOS?

I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) when I was 18 years old. I'm now 24.
I have lost 73 pounds ( on my own! ) within the past year. However, with PCOS, it's harder to lose weight in the lower belly.
Anyone have certain workout routines or anything different I could try to lose the weight off my lower stomache?
I'm running out of ideas lol .



  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    please, someeeeeone?
  • 623Hernandez
    PCOS here too. Check out the groups section. There is a group for women with PCOS.
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    hi there
    I'm new to this posting thing,
    I too have pcos, I am also gluten, wheat, dairy and soya intollerant, and also undar active thyroid.... so a few issues going on,
    I'm sorry I cant answer your question, I too would love to hear what other pcos sufferers find to help them a) loose weight and b) like you have asked loose the lower tummy
    I would love some friends on here so if anybody would like to add me I would be greatful
    thanks x
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    The only thing that has helped me lose weight is an insulin regulator. If I'm not on Metformin, it's virtually impossible to lose any weight at all.

    Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    I would love to know the answer to this as well! Congrats on the weightloss on your own. PCOS has been difficult for me and I feel like no matter how much I work out and how focused I am on eating I cant lose a dang pound. I am going to add you as a friend if you dont mind.
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    **** yeah, been through that crap!!!
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    That's funny, didn't realize till now that MFP hides my swearing LOL
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    The only thing that has helped me lose weight is an insulin regulator. If I'm not on Metformin, it's virtually impossible to lose any weight at all.

    Feel free to add me, ladies!

    I was placed on metformin for my PCOS but had to be taken off of it. It caused me to gain weight and I went into a severe depression. I actually talked to a counselor and she said all of her PCOS patients are on metformin and are clinically depressed. So it is very important to monitor how the metfromin makes you feel. Just thought I would throw that out there to say be careful on it. Also its long term effects cause liver and kidney damage so try and limit how long you are on the pills.
  • thea724
    Hey Ladies~
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 11 years's been a rough road for sure...not impossible

    My Gyno told me that I have a Magic Bullet to lose weight....seriously?

    she said low-carb, no wheat, was the way to go...

    So I have been doing my best to take all the best stuff from all the diets that have worked for me and I think I finally have something...

    I've lost 25 lbs since January mind you, I have been exercising too, but nothing out of the normal...

    I'm here if you need me :flowerforyou:
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    OMG!!!!!!!!! 25lb since jan 1st!!!!!!!!!!!! wowzer....
    I struggle to loose a lb a week even when I am super good and gym 4 times a week....

    what sort of meals do you eat hun, if you dont mind sharing,
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    Wow! good job on the weight loss :)

    I didn't realize how many other girls have PCOS. I don't know anyone here with it except my sisters!

    Low carbs, and no wheat, eh? I may have to try that.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Im trying to do a raw diet but fell off this week
  • mathsgirl
    Hi, I've been diagnosed with PCOS now for 15 years. I got tied up in all sorts of faddy diets trying to lose weight. In Jan this year I went with reducing carbs (especially bread) and increasing veg and water. So far 18lbs lost, although been stuck for 2 weeks. I too am on metformin, although I've not been so good at taking it as it didn't make me feel so good. Would love some new friends if anyone wants to add me. Best of luck x
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    There are a couple of groups on here which I've just joined as I too have PCOS. I've only just been diagnosed so any tips and experiences would help me too. I was told by the consultant that diagnosed me to follow a low Gi diet which I am trying to do but finding it a bit tricky to commit to if I'm honest!
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi ladies, another PCOS sufferer here!! I have been diagnosed fairly recently as I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to concieve so had ovary scan which is when the doc told me about the PCOS. Since then I have cut out white carbs and processed foods and cut down on refined sugars. I make almost all my meals from scratch (with the exception of cereal for breakfast!) and try to include lots of salad, fruit and vegetables in my diet.

    I'm struggling at the moment with some of the symptoms of PCOS (mainly terrible acne and excess hair) since coming off of the pill (Dianette kept all my symptoms at bay for years, it wasn't until I started to TTC that they all appeared!) so am trying to control them with my diet. I think that adding green tea has helped too.

    I managed to lose a fair bit of weight before knowing I had PCOS but have had a lot of criticism for not eating enough calories - it wasn't until after I was diagnosed that I realised that this could be the reason that my maintenance level was so much lower than other people trying to diet without PCOS (on paper I should be very underweight with what I eat and the exercise I do, but I'm actually in the middle of the 'healthy' bmi range and the doc has no concerns!)

    It's great to see that there are other people on here who are also dealing with PCOS, fab to have some support as a lot of people who don't have it don't understand it!!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm a very active chick, so when I pair my exercise with a low glycemic diet, I lose weight like it's water. But if I start eating crappy foods, I look and feel crappy very quickly!

    No matter how fit I've been, I've always had a little layer on my belly. but I suppose doing more cardio could help?
  • Jordana_x
    I'm struggling at the moment with some of the symptoms of PCOS (mainly terrible acne and excess hair) since coming off of the pill (Dianette kept all my symptoms at bay for years, it wasn't until I started to TTC that they all appeared!) so am trying to control them with my diet. I think that adding green tea has helped too.

    Me too! I'm not TTC, but have been taken off of Dianette for health reasons... (Apparantley you should not be on it for longer than 6 months as a time as it can cause liver damage as it is such a high dose of hormones!) and I have instead been put on the Cilest pill. Needless to say as it is a lower dosage, all the symptoms have come back! Dianette helped me keep off weight for some reason (I could eat anything!), the hair has come back, skin is bad. It's so frustrating, feels like I'm fighting a losing battle sometimes. Me and my fiance are looking to try for a baby once we are married, so there's always that to worry about too!

    OH the worries of a PCOS sufferer! :wink: Glad to have found ladies in the same boat as me though :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    I'm struggling at the moment with some of the symptoms of PCOS (mainly terrible acne and excess hair) since coming off of the pill (Dianette kept all my symptoms at bay for years, it wasn't until I started to TTC that they all appeared!) so am trying to control them with my diet. I think that adding green tea has helped too.

    Me too! I'm not TTC, but have been taken off of Dianette for health reasons... (Apparantley you should not be on it for longer than 6 months as a time as it can cause liver damage as it is such a high dose of hormones!) and I have instead been put on the Cilest pill. Needless to say as it is a lower dosage, all the symptoms have come back! Dianette helped me keep off weight for some reason (I could eat anything!), the hair has come back, skin is bad. It's so frustrating, feels like I'm fighting a losing battle sometimes. Me and my fiance are looking to try for a baby once we are married, so there's always that to worry about too!

    OH the worries of a PCOS sufferer! :wink: Glad to have found ladies in the same boat as me though :flowerforyou:

    I have not heard of Dianette or Cilest?! what are they and what do they do?
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member

    Me too! I'm not TTC, but have been taken off of Dianette for health reasons... (Apparantley you should not be on it for longer than 6 months as a time as it can cause liver damage as it is such a high dose of hormones!) and I have instead been put on the Cilest pill. Needless to say as it is a lower dosage, all the symptoms have come back! Dianette helped me keep off weight for some reason (I could eat anything!), the hair has come back, skin is bad. It's so frustrating, feels like I'm fighting a losing battle sometimes. Me and my fiance are looking to try for a baby once we are married, so there's always that to worry about too!

    OH the worries of a PCOS sufferer! :wink: Glad to have found ladies in the same boat as me though :flowerforyou:

    It's horrible isn't it, my skin is getting me down so much, I've lost count of the amount of evenings I've spent in tears over it recently, for the last 10 years I've been on the pill I've always had perfect skin and now I'm 27 years old with the acne of a teenager and it's yucky!! Due to the fact I'm TTC I can't take anything prescription-wise for it, so I'm trying to control it with diet, products and supplements but it's still bad!

    With regards to TTC, unfortunatly in addition to my PCOS, my husband also has problems on his side and so we are due to start IVF soon, have our consultation next week, so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it will work for us!!
  • Jordana_x
    I have not heard of Dianette or Cilest?! what are they and what do they do?

    They are contraceptive pills :) I absolutely swear by Dianette for PCOS, it practically removed all of my symptoms. My skin was the main issue for me (I had cystic acne) and it completely cleared it to the point where it was flawless. (I don't mean to toot my own horn there lol!)

    But of course this is just my experience. I have met women with PCOS who have found Dianette to be a living hell for them. Every one is different I guess!