Need some advice



  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    8 pints of water a day is a lot of water...

    Not really. A gallon a day is doable if you space it out. thats my goal for a day.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Cutting out breakfast in and of itself is not going to cause you to lose more. What time you eat has NOTHING to do with it. This is a fact.

    Just focus on figuring out what your maintenance calories are for you height/weight/age/gender/activity level etc, then set up your MFP goals to get you into a slight deficit. I go with about a 20% deficit, 500 calories or so per day. 3500 per week.

    Do not worry about a little bit of caffeine. It also isn't going "boost" your metabolism really, it will give you a feeling of more energy, sure. And that's temporary. As long as you aren't consuming massive amounts of caffeine (which could then cause problems with your adrenals, and then your insulin) you will be fine.

    Cutting out from how much I have been eating and going back to around 1200, will this damage my weight loss?

    I don't know. I don't know your stats. You will need to use something like this to figure up how many calories you need to eat:

    Go with a 10-20% deficit once you calculate your maintenance calories using your RMR and other info. You can also Google the online calorie calculators. The Mifflin-St Jeor formula is probably best to go with, from what I understand.

    Thank you! I will check these out.

    According to a calculator, to maintain my current weight I need 2046 calories. So I guess it would want me to eat 1500? Do you think that 1200 is more than satisfactory for my body weight?

    If the 2000 is correct for you, then no less than 1600 per day. That's at the high end. A 20% deficit. You don't want to dip too low. You need to let go of this 1200 that you are holding onto... Just let that go. Your body simply requires more calories than that.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Don't get can do this...some people just take a little more time to show results than others. Let me address the exercise portion since that is absolutely the easiest thing to do:

    Zumba is fun...but building lean muscle-mass and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) burns fat. Here is my simple but effective formula to weight loss:

    Weight Loss Mathematics:

    30 minutes of weight training 3x/week

    + 12 minutes of HIIT cardio 2x/week

    + eat 5-6 smalls meals/day

    + make sensible food/drink choices every day

    = enjoy your new body by summer

    (trust me on this...I have a degree in Mathematics)


    this is the most brilliant advice ever!!!! Go with it! Also I notice as well as not eating your full calorie you aren't eating very clean, pizza and crispies , junky sort of stuff. Instead of crispies Oatmeal for instance. Eat cleaner, lots of grilled skinless chicken breast and white fish, salads and brown rice/wholewheat pasta. Much better. It does make a difference as your training results will be better as well.

    Clean eating is relative. Don't get hung up on eating "clean" when you haven't even acclimated to the fact you aren't eating ENOUGH calories yet. Eat enough, then worry about what you're eating. You will still lose weight if you eat pizza, ice-cream, etc. My diary is proof.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Cutting out breakfast in and of itself is not going to cause you to lose more. What time you eat has NOTHING to do with it. This is a fact.

    Just focus on figuring out what your maintenance calories are for you height/weight/age/gender/activity level etc, then set up your MFP goals to get you into a slight deficit. I go with about a 20% deficit, 500 calories or so per day. 3500 per week.

    Do not worry about a little bit of caffeine. It also isn't going "boost" your metabolism really, it will give you a feeling of more energy, sure. And that's temporary. As long as you aren't consuming massive amounts of caffeine (which could then cause problems with your adrenals, and then your insulin) you will be fine.

    Cutting out from how much I have been eating and going back to around 1200, will this damage my weight loss?

    I don't know. I don't know your stats. You will need to use something like this to figure up how many calories you need to eat:

    Go with a 10-20% deficit once you calculate your maintenance calories using your RMR and other info. You can also Google the online calorie calculators. The Mifflin-St Jeor formula is probably best to go with, from what I understand.

    Thank you! I will check these out.

    According to a calculator, to maintain my current weight I need 2046 calories. So I guess it would want me to eat 1500? Do you think that 1200 is more than satisfactory for my body weight?

    If the 2000 is correct for you, then no less than 1600 per day. That's at the high end. A 20% deficit. You don't want to dip too low. You need to let go of this 1200 that you are holding onto... Just let that go. Your body simply requires more calories than that.

    I'm just worried that after eating so little calories then upping it to about this then maybe make me gain weight. I will stop skipping breakfast, but I'm not sure what is the best thing to eat for breakfast. I am also thinking of swapping cow's milk back to soya milk.

    You have been very helpful, thank you very much. :-) Thinking about, I have constantly been tired with the amount of calories I have been eating so maybe this is a wake up call posting on here. I'm just so terrified of upping my calories. :(
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's ok, you might gain a little. But you also might not. Hard to say, since there are so many variables involved. Try not to be scared to increase, it will turn out better in the long run! I'm facing a similar fear... I'm starting Spike days soon and will be doubling my calories one day of the week! :) We'll see how all that goes... but others have reported good things! So, I'm going to be brave and try :)

    Good luck! Eat what your body needs first and foremost, and only then will have the proper baseline to start from.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    It's ok, you might gain a little. But you also might not. Hard to say, since there are so many variables involved. Try not to be scared to increase, it will turn out better in the long run! I'm facing a similar fear... I'm starting Spike days soon and will be doubling my calories one day of the week! :) We'll see how all that goes... but others have reported good things! So, I'm going to be brave and try :)

    Good luck! Eat what your body needs first and foremost, and only then will have the proper baseline to start from.

    I guess I'm just going to try hard to eat more healthy and perhaps when it's a nice day like today, go for a walk. :-) I'm going to walk to the shop and go and get a salad and I may have my cup of soup as well as the salad to help me boost my calories for the day.

    Good luck, I hope all goes well for you. :-) It sounds interesting, but if people have reported good things then I would expect good things!