staying the same....


OK, so I previously lost 60 pounds on Weight watchers, and then due to a difficult couple of years have put about a stone back on, and Last year I have joined this site to try and shift the last few pounds again.
I am really struggling.... I have been here since November, and I am just going up and down a few pounds. Overall I HAVE lost 3 pounds since I have been here, since November. thats less than 1 pounds a month!
I gym 5ish times a week, and I usually stick to my calories, some days over run, but some days underrun, its swings and roundabouts. I was on 1200 a day and now up to 1340 a day, to try and lose 1/2 pound a week. i usually eat some of my exercise cals, meaning i usually hit 1500 ish cals if I have done the gym that day.

but what am i doing wrong????
Please someone must have some advice.
I am wheat, Soya, Jacket potato, Red Meat and Dairy intollerant, so its not like i load up on carbs, cuz to be fair I can only really eat WF bread, WF Pasta (not so nice!) and Rice, I have the occasional chocolate binge who doesnt....

But I just dont get it... why??? my twin sister is also struggling the same and to be fair she hasnt lost much more than me either.

I am getting dishearted if I am honest. :-(

any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    try being more consistent with your calorie intake.

    you shouldnt have to eat anything back, as your exercise should be accounted for in the activity level you choose when figuring your total energy expenditure.

    i suggest using the harris benedict formula. its the most trusted way to find your BMR and TEE. forget the whole 1200 cal thing, its nonsense. use that formula, use the correct activity level multiplier and subtract calories from there. be consistent with your calories. try doing something different as far as exercise goes..try lifting some weights, or play basketball.

    if you arent losing. its simple..its because you are not expending more energy than you intake.