Looking to change my life! Need buddies!

Hey everyone,

My name is Sarah and I'm 22 years old. I've got roughly about 80 pounds to lose! I started my fitness pal on tuesday and am looking for some buddies to follow for support, encouragment and to share the journey with! Feel free to add me :) Hope you are all doing well. xx


  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    Hi, I'm on here quite a lot, and from England too :)
  • st11290
    st11290 Posts: 6 Member
    Cool :)Where in the UK are you from? I've accepted your add! I can see from you profile you have lost a lot already, well done! How much are you trying to lose all together? x
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Hey Sarah! I'd love to have another motivation buddy! :) What part of the UK are you from? Sadly, I only got to visit the UK in the dreary cold, but I hope to get back there to see my friends again someday!

    Anyway, I'll add you! :)