Family, friends and coworkers

So we all lead a healthy lifestyle, we workout almost every day and we watch what we eat well. We try to stay positive when things fall out of place.

But what happens when your family and friends simply do not support you and try to sabotage your efforts every single day? My family and friends are like that and sometimes its frustrating because they criticize you for being disciplined, too thin, too muscular but yet here you are looking at a person who clearly needs to do what your doing but yet you can't call them names or criticize them because its mean but yet they do to me all the time. Its frustrating!!!

So how does everyone deal with the almighty saboteur!!!


  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    get your own cabinet space where your food is. and don't stray from it. Its tough with kids and unsupportive other halves. but Such is life, you chose this lifestyle, not them. so you have to be your own boss. Don't let someoen else bring you down,
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I find it hard to overcome sometimes as well! I work at a Hospital and we are always having DRs and families bringing us in snacks and just falt out JUNK.. as well as other co-workers. When I refuse, and thank them anyways, I always get the "Oh.. common, what are you on a DIET?!?!?!" Like its a BAD THING! I always just say to MYSELF... im making a life change, not a diet and its VERY clear that YOUR not :laugh:

    THe ones that really understand and support you, are the ones we should focus on. If they want to sabotage our success.. they really have no business being in our new lifestyle to begin with, just something else to try and CUT OUT!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just say No.
    It's your body, you are in charge of it.They aren't living in it and they won't deal with the health issues if you compromise.
    No one can actually make you eat something you don't want to.
    Just as you can't make them stop eating rubbish.
    Be respectful, but don't cave.
    It's not like you are a drug addict or something - addicted to health is not a crime.
    Just try to laugh them off. (They secretly wish they had the will power).
    I've had people at work and in my friends and family actually convert when they see the results!
    Offer to help them get healthy, share a recipe, invite them over for a delicious meal so they know you are enjoying life at the same time as being healthy.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Be unshakeable. Be that person that you always were amazed by their self discipline, the more you say no to certain things, the more they will leave you alone. As long as they think you want something (that piece of cake etc) the more they will ask--it's human nature to want to share... most are not actually trying to sabotage--we just see it that way because it's difficult to be disciplined.

    And some people really do mean to sabotage, because they can't control their own behaviour around food. Those people you know, so just stay strong in the face of it.

    My family were 'food pushers'. Not in a mean way, it was just a way to celebrate... it's a long tradition. They see the success that I've had now and don't even ask me if I want certain things now, because I always say no. It takes the pressure off.

    Humans celebrate with food and feasts. But now that food is so readily available, it has less meaning and more consequences...

    Sorry this wasn't meant to be an anthropology lesson!!!!
  • I live in a country where politeness dictates that you basically shove food down people's throats. On the other hand, when I am out with friends, if I say I want to lose weight, there are zero questions asked and it's treated with respect. An interesting dynamic.
  • I use it to spur me on to ensure I continue. Been criticised for weighing out food and for being so obsessed but if i dont get fully into it then I aint as committed as I would like to be.

    All comes down to jealousy in that you are willing to make changes and they dont have the same willpower. Use it to keep you mindful that you are doing the right thing.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Its kind of funny because this only happens on weekends when family is all around me its as if they want you to fail so they make themselves look good!

    All good ideas
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I don't have friends like that because I don't tolerate toxicity. Call me cold, but if you're gonna tear me down, I've got no use for you, and I'll cut you out. My life is stressful enough, I can't be carrying all that extra baggage others wanna throw on me. My family knows I don't tolerate it either, so IF they have anything negative to say, I never hear it. They don't want me up in their face about how UNFIT they are, which is what I'd do. And I'm not unhealthy, I've done the weight loss properly, but if they were genuinely concerned, they know I'd listen to that. I just got no room for haters.
  • JCam8383
    JCam8383 Posts: 77 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I swear, since I've started working hard to lose weight my bestfriend and coworkers have gone out of their way to fill our classroom up with junkfood. There is a whole cubby dedicated to reese's, m&m's, chocolates, almond joys, snickers, etc... and everyday she'll go to mcdonalds, wendys, etc.. even when I tell her I dont want anything she'll bring me something back anyhow. When I tell her I cant eat it she actually has the nerve to get mad at me! I apologize and explain to her that although I appreciate the thought I said I didn't want anything b/c I'm not eating that stuff right now.
    I feel like she's purposely doing it. I cannot figure out why.
    I just resist the temptation. It's really hard some days especially when the kids are driving me crazy and all I wanna do is stuff my face with chocolates. I just keep drinking water to curb my appitite and I eat little snacks like oranges, and rasins.
    Good luck on your journey! Know that even though you feel like you're being sabatoged, we here at the website are here for you!
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I have lost many friends and family and I simply don't care... They are still obese and some morbidly obese. It seems once I changed and put on more muscle things like I am on steroids and I need to workout less came up.

    I have gotten better at ignoring but weekends are tough!