Relatively new, 19y/o and trying to tone up. Looking for mot

Hi guys! I'm Jordana :)

I've been on MFP for a while but have only started using it properly these past couple of weeks :) I am absolutely amazed at the amount of support this community has! <3

I'm not overweight at all, but have gone up a dress size for a few reasons (laziness, junk food, starting a new pill!)

I'm looking to tone up to get the perfect bikini bod for the summer :) Any other girls (or guys) out there looking to do the same?

Feel free to add me! I need all the support I can get - my motivation when it comes to exercise is sadly lacking. haha :)

EDIT: Subject is supposed to say motivation - damn you word limit! haha :)


  • hey my aim is to lose a little bit of weight and get toned up!

    add me and i will help u.
  • Yay! We can do this together :) Anyone else?
  • StirlingJames
    StirlingJames Posts: 11 Member
    Great edit/title limitation. Immediately thought of Keith Lemon!
  • hahaha that's hilarious!! There's no way to change it either! I'm definitely not looking for mot on here ;) lmao
  • Gaz3376
    Gaz3376 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi im looking for mot too, haaaa

    On a more serious note, i was looking to loose about 20 pounds and tone up, ive been lazy last few years and developed a beer belly.

    Ive been doing this a month now and have lost a stone, really enjoying the new way of life. Let em know if you need any help!
  • I'm looking to do the same! I however love fitness and working out if you need any tips let me know!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • zipperhead76
    zipperhead76 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 40-50lbs... as per the BMI on here, I'm almost obese... hahaha! I've never been this heavy, 221lbs. So I'm also in the market for mot, and I want a buff beach bod come summer! :D
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    yea im looking to get a beach bod for summer, sent you an add:smile:
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Hey, I'm 21 and not over weight, but not comfortable at my current weight due to the exact reasons you've listed. I want to start toning up once I hit my halfway goal, which is only 2 lbs away! My ultimate goal is a toned 104 lbs. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Thanks guys! It's good to find like-minded people on here :)