Frequent (daily) weigh-ins: what have you learned?



  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    I used to weigh everyday because it was so tempting. However the small gains are really disheartening and I now will only do it x2 a week.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I gain a pound or two after starting a new workout program. Back when I was much more sedentary, even a leisurely walk led to temporary weight gain. But then I get a woosh in the downward direction when my body recovers.

    Eating a lot of sodium increases by about a pound but it comes off quickly if I drink ridiculous amounts of water. I weigh more after days where I don't drink enough.

    I gain a bit before my period comes and then immediately lose the day I start.

    Sometimes I lose quite a bit after a few drinks or severe stomach upset.

    Since I'm familiar with these things, daily weigh ins don't freak out or discourage me. If I go more than a day without weighing I fall off the wagon completely. Gotta face the music! And for all people talk about the scale being discouraging, seeing it go down at all is very ENcouraging. Doesn't happen every day, but often enough to keep me motivated.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    For those of us who weigh-in daily or frequently, what lessons have you learned from it?

    I learned that eating a large bowl of split pea soup immediately before a weigh-in resulted in a pound of weight gain. I was thinking that it would be like drinking water, my kidneys would get rid of any excess immediately, and that sure didn't happen, even after I peed! Of course the next day the extra weight was gone.

    So, what have you learned from your scale?

    I have learned from past experience to only weigh and measure once per week. Regarding what I eat and drink or what exercise I do the day before my weigh-in, I pay no attention except that I stay within my calorie allowance.

    I used to weigh myself everyday and it would bug me if the weight went up, even slightly, which it did do on many occasion. Fluctuations in daily weigh-ins are usual, but they still used to annoy and depress me.
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    For me personally it is very demoralizing so I just don't do it. Once a week and then my scale goes back on the shelf. I have enough to fret about as it is. :smile:
  • luvmypwds
    I don't usually like weighing myself everyday, but I have been doing it for the last two weeks since discovering MFP, but only to see what I will learn. I do not intend to keep weighing myself everyday. What I've learned is that my weight fluctuates about a pound up and down, so it is more useful if I were to take an average if I were to weigh myself everyday. I learned that if I eat a super high sodium high meal the night before, I can gain 2 lb the next morning, which surely is water weight. The day after, my weight would go back to its normal range. My range seems to be between 111.5 to 112.5.
  • luvmypwds
    You're so right about the sodium - exact same thing with me.
  • AlfredRusselWallace
    At first the reward of losing pounds encouraged me to keep going with what I was doing. Then I hit a plateau that lasted for a over week (after the pounds had been dropping with every weigh in). The early reward kept my motivation up as my body adjusted and the weight loss resumed. When I hit a second plateau I took it in stride since I'd been through it before and knew it was all part of the process.

    This is the first time in my life that I've actually looked at my weight and realized that I had to make changes to diet and exercise to lose unwanted pounds. Since it's all new territory I'm using daily affirmations (calorie counts and weigh ins) that show what I'm doing is correct.

    Fifteen pounds down and about five more to go but the real reward has been the transformation of my body back into something reflecting good health!

    So, I guess it's all what works for the individual.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've learned that every afternoon I am two pounds heavier than when I woke up, peed, and weighed naked :explode:

    I've learned that a day after an intense workout with my trainer makes me 2 to 4 pounds heavier but ALWAYS goes back to normal :bigsmile:

    I've learned to NEVER, EVER, NEVER FREAKING EVER weigh the week of my period :noway:

    I've learned that if I move it around it will give me a different weight, although sometimes it gets worse :blushing:

    I've learned that it doesn't matter how many times I weigh myself after a major binge that damn number ain't going down :laugh:

    I've learned that I am more important than the number on that scale :flowerforyou:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I weigh daily and it helps me not only stay on track with exercise and eating, but it also reminds me to get my water in. Yesterday I didn't drink as much water as usual and this morning my weight was up by almost 2 lbs. I'll drink my water today and my weight will be back down tomorrow. The fluctuations don't bother me. I know for a fact that I couldn't have gained 2 lbs in a day, especially since I didn't go over on my calories. But I like to weigh daily, it's probably the control freak in me.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I learned weighing daily is a waste of my time. Too many factors for it to fluctuate. I would rather weigh once a week to see actual progress, along with using the mirror and measuring tape to see my progress.
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I have stopped weighing every day and have gone to 2x/week. My body is changing in ways that the scale will not show and I refuse to let a number dictate how I feel about myself. I am stronger and have more endurance, more muscles and more definition. Here's what I wrote in my blog a couple of weeks ago:

    I think we need to stop seeing each other, for now
    It's not you, it's me. Well, it actually is you. I feel smothered. I feel controlled. I feel powerless. People are telling me to just walk away but it's not that easy. Do they know how I feel? You have been defining and directing my feelings every day. When you give me what I want, even if I'm not deserving because my own behavior would have led me to think otherwise, I am jubilant and happy. When I want something so desperately and strongly believe that I deserve it and you don't follow through, I feel so betrayed. And even when I know what you’re going to say even before you say it, that cold slap in the face hurts so, so much. What are you trying to do to me? In the end I suppose I am part of the problem. I rely too much on what you tell me. I have a very difficult time reading between the lines of information you give me. And it’s not healthy. I think we should have one final rendez-vous tomorrow and then we can perhaps check in in a week. This is very difficult for me to do, as you’ve been such a huge part of my life for so long. But that’s not healthy. I am trying to get to a new place and while you can be a help to me along this journey, you are also a burden and the moments when you weigh heavily on my mind outweigh the small victories I have with you. Please know that all of this is in an attempt to have a healthier, more positive relationship with you. I know we will stay in touch, but it’s time our interactions changed. I wish I could say I love you, but I can’t. It’s not true right now.
    From me, Allison to you, my scale.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    What I've learned:

    Don't sweat the same stuff, it's only water.
    If I go waaaay over on sodium I will be bloated the next day by up to 3 pounds.
    If I each too many carbs i will be bloated the next day by up to 3 pounds.
    If I have a splurge day it will take a minimum of 3 days to shed the water weight.
    My weight in the AM will be roughly 2 pounds less than my weight right before bed.
    If I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep I will not lose the above 2 pounds over night.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I've learned that if my muscles are sore from a hard workout - I weigh more.

    I've also learned that poop weighs more than muscle or fat .... run with it - you are welcome.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I weigh myself daily (almost) in my skivvies after I pee. I see fluctuation each day, but I only record it on MFP if it's a record low. I don't record day to day weights, but yesterday if I was 175.6, if I go up today I wont record it. I wont track it on MFP until it's lower than 175.6. It helps show me dates/days of how long it takes to take off X weight!
  • pb6012002
    It both keeps me in check and drives me crazy LOL I do it to check my progress and revalidate my work, but like today it said I gained a half a pound, but I was well within my calories yesterday. I did have salami so that has a TON of sodium so days like this make me upset, But I know I am doing well.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I love this thread! I'm weighing every day to track changes like these, but only "officially" once per week. After a bit, I'll probably cut back to 2x per week, but we'll see.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    when I first started diet and still ate wheat but calorie counted I could fluctuate between 4-5lbs a DAY and then when I had monthlies it would go up 6lbs +

    After going low carb and gluten free my daily water retention only varied by a 1 lb by the end of the day and my monthly cycle I would gain around 4-5lbs instead of 6-10lb. I prefer this so will stick to this way of eating, though I can now cope with one treat day a week just after sat morning weigh-in knowing that I will have lost excess water again by mid week weigh-in (now only weigh-in twice a week)

    It stopped me panicking every time the numbers went up and have better understanding of my body.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I've learned that my weight-loss pattern is generally: up, up, down, up, up down. I go up for a couple/few days, and then I end up being down a pound from my last weigh-in.
  • Stylistntenn
    I've learned I don't need to do it lol. I try to make myself stay off of it but I want to weigh every day. I've also learned not to weigh anytime other than the morning. I've learned that if you eat a lot of sodium the day before the number can do up. I've learned that if you weigh the morning after having some drinks, the number will be less due to dehydration, which is a cruel joke because it is usually back the next day. And I've learned I always weigh 2-3 lbs more during "that time of the month." I've learned too much lol.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I have also learned I lose 2 lbs while sleeping (almost exactly each and every day!).

    My official weigh in is on Fridays...but I weigh daily and don't record those. I find this helpful because I have weeks that Friday is my "heavy day". It's nice to see my weight consistently lower through the week..then if it's up on Friday it doesn't bother me since I know it will be back down in a day or two. There were times I would have been very discourage with my official "weigh in". However I always record Friday's weight even if it's up! Sometimes on Saturday when it's back down I want a "do over" so my ticker screams my success but I refrain since I feel like that would be cheating. By the way it should say 43lbs lost...hopefully that will still be true tomorrow!! =)