If you use MIO in you water it doesn't count?

OK, I don't buy it, but my sister in law says if you put MIO drops in your water you can't count the water as water anymore. I disagree....

Which way do you fall on this?


  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    That's definitely a debateable question. A long time ago, my grandmother's doctor told her to start drinking more water. She told him, "I drink plenty of water...in my tea, coffee...." He replied, "I didn't say, 'tea, or coffee,' I said, water!" I've tried MIO, and it makes the water taste just like a diet drink mix. In my opinion, based on what Grandma's doctor said all those years ago, I'd have to agree with your sister-in-law. Of course, it's just an opinion. Next time you see your family doctor, why not ask? It's a good question!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Just add some lemon or orange slices to your water.............

    That chemical stuff found in Mio, crystal light and such are not good for our bodies.

    Personally, I prefer plain old water.
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    I've given up on drink mixes all together and I'm just sticking with plain ol' water. It's been several months (and I can't tell you when I actually "stopped") since I've had a regular cola or a sweet tea. (and I live less than a mile from a BoJangles!). Just stick with water.
  • ToxicMichelle
    ToxicMichelle Posts: 1 Member
    I drink plain water, water with lemon, water with raw apple cider....every so often I want something different and add MIO. I have one that is pretty good and I only add a bit to get some new flavor. Its maybe once a week and I'm drinking plenty of good water in between. I wouldn't think it'd be that bad if you're not adding it to all your cups through the day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Here's one way to look at it.... if you drank the glass of water and then squirted the Mio into your mouth a few moments later, wouldn't you count the glass of water? Of course you would. Same goes for coffee because people certainly can, and do, eat coffee beans.

    Humans need about 64 ounces of water each day but a lot of that water comes in our food and every beverage has some amount of water in it. You don't really need to drink 64 ounces of pure water every day for healthy body function.

    That said, most of us can really do with drinking more water each day and if what helps you is to add a little Mio to it, then go for it. Don't let the "you can only drink plain water for it to count" nazis deter you.
  • jpapale
    My husband and I have spent about a week searching for something other than water to drink that doesn't contain all the crap in it. We looked at the different gatorades, powerade, diet snapples,vitamin water, etc. We chose the MIO. It has the least amount of stuff in it. We got the 3 pack from Sams Club and they are all very good. I still count it as my water intake, because really its just a little flavoring, no sugars no vitamins no carbs no sodium etc. But if you really want a good answer, maybe ask a doctor. That's just my opinion.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    The answer to the OP's question is yes, it counts as water.

    Whether or not Mio is good or bad for you, whether you think that you should just drink plain water instead - these are debatable, but when it comes right down to it, water is water.

    Think of it this way - if you drank a serving of water and then an hour later had a few drops of Mio, plain (ok that would be gross probably, but just go with it), would the water still not count? Of course not. Adding the flavoring doesn't change the fact that you still have 8 ounces of H2O.
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Here's one way to look at it.... if you drank the glass of water and then squirted the Mio into your mouth a few moments later, wouldn't you count the glass of water? Of course you would. Same goes for coffee because people certainly can, and do, eat coffee beans.

    Humans need about 64 ounces of water each day but a lot of that water comes in our food and every beverage has some amount of water in it. You don't really need to drink 64 ounces of pure water every day for healthy body function.

    That said, most of us can really do with drinking more water each day and if what helps you is to add a little Mio to it, then go for it. Don't let the "you can only drink plain water for it to count" nazis deter you.

    This ^^
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Well if we can't then I don't drink any water ever so if that one little squirt gets my body hydrated then you better believe I count it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Water, tea, coffee, Mio, soda, juice, milk, beer, wine, vegetables, all count toward your hydration intake. The bottled water industry is who said only water counts for hydration, not actual scientists. IN fact, the "8 cups of water a day" rule that people toss out willy-nilly? The actual statement from the doctor that suggested it was 8 glasses of FLUID a day, and he listed juice, coffee, water, tea, and food sources as examples in the book it was published in back in the mid 70's.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Water, tea, coffee, Mio, soda, juice, milk, beer, wine, vegetables, all count toward your hydration intake. The bottled water industry is who said only water counts for hydration, not actual scientists. IN fact, the "8 cups of water a day" rule that people toss out willy-nilly? The actual statement from the doctor that suggested it was 8 glasses of FLUID a day, and he listed juice, coffee, water, tea, and food sources as examples in the book it was published in back in the mid 70's.

    This! Now, I'm not familiar with MIO but I wouldn't be drinking anything with a bunch of chemicals in it. What's wrong with lemon in plain water or green tea with a little honey (anti-inflamatory, anti-oxidant and midly metabolism boosting) either hot or cold. So many better choices than BS chemicals!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!





    As for tea/coffee being a diuretic, so many people just spout that word as a reason, without actually understanding what "diuretic" means.

    di·u·ret·ic (d-rtk)
    Tending to increase the discharge of urine.
    A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.

    Neat water is also a diuretic. The diuretic effect of caffeine is far, far outweighed by the actual water in the tea/coffee. Also, regular consumers of caffeinated beverages will build up a tolerance to said effect, eventually reaching the point where caffeinated drinks provide practically the same amount of hydration as a cup of neat water will.









  • brandie_lou
    I've seen this debated a lot. To me, I count it as water. I use the drink packets (Propel Zero) and it doesn't change what you're drinking, it's just flavored. I also count flavored water (the carbonated) kind as water, too. But that is a huge debate but most every I know hates drinking regular, plain, stale, flat water. But I don't count coffee, tea or soda as water, even though some count tea as water because its steeped in water-meaning something was added to it but didn't change what it was (which backs up the water flavoring). Personally, since I'm not far into my journey, I concentrate on zero calorie, zero fat and zero sugar.
  • Sparkz1920
    Sparkz1920 Posts: 33 Member
    I count water as water... My body is made up of water which I lose daily by activity. I need that water back to function and also to filter my kidneys

    Mio and Crystal light r not pure water.... Just substitutes for ppl who don't want to drink one of the purest things on earth

    Nothing wrong with Mio or Crystal light , I might purchase some myself. But I wouldn't substitute it for water. I'd just drink my. 8 cups then a little of the Mio as a treat
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    the point of drinking water is to hydrate you. just because you add something to water doesnt turn off the hydrating properties.
    i log water, soda, tea, coffee all as water. HMonsterX already posted the links as to why
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I like the strawberry watermelon flavor. And I have it once every other day or so. Just a few squirts in my water bottle. I do count it as drinking my water. :-)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's still water.
    I don't know Mio but I probably wouldn't drink it anyway because I'm not a fan of sweeteners, but if you like it, go for it, it will still hydrate you.
  • prwthomas
    prwthomas Posts: 43 Member
    Just add some lemon or orange slices to your water.............

    That chemical stuff found in Mio, crystal light and such are not good for our bodies.

    Personally, I prefer plain old water.

    I agree with this ^^^
  • peach688
    peach688 Posts: 13 Member
    Alcohol is my diuretic. :P just kidding but I thought it was funny from the definition
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Tap and bottled water doesn't count as water if mio/soda/etc don't count as water. None of these are pure water.