Hello, kind of new...ish...


I joined MFP a while back but havent actually been able to stick to any sort of diet! I am now giving Calorie Counting one more try!

I look forward to meeting new people and losing this weight! :)


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Good luck!! I really like MFP. For me, the exercise motivation is being able to eat more food LOL.
  • Love the app . I started in late December and lost 14 pounds by Valentines day. "You cannot control what you do not measure!" Now I have the tools to measure and control. I weigh every day and do not worry about the bumpy chart only look at the slope over time. If I wanna eat I know I have to run or climb stairs. those days I can eat pretty good. Also a big surprise was how much difference there is between some items of food that seem similar.

    I target the calories, protien and fiber and don't sweat the rest of nutrients. I do take a calcium or eat some spinich (iron) once in a while if I have trended low. I tend to avoid fat anyway so don't really watch those getting charted. Only bad thing is local foods I enjoy are not in the database. I sort of guess and pick higher calorie from the near matches in the database. Better to error in my weight loss favor. By mid March I'll reach goal and can eat for maintainence again :-)
  • Good luck. I used this and got to target by calorie counting (but then put weight on again over Christmas and when I stopped using it and gave up on the diet for a bit) but have been using it since the New Year successfully. I do add some exercises into it but mainly concentrate on the calories - and trying to make sure that the food I select are healthier through monitoring the fat, fibre, sugar and protein counts. For me any exercise is bonus and means I bigger weight loss. I try and plan my meals for the day ahead in advance, building in a small element of snacks/treats - but always ensuring that these work in the calories and hence hopefully sticking to the diet.
  • broox159
    broox159 Posts: 7 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the welcomes!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!
    I'm new here too but it seems like a cool place
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    Hi there..im new..ish as well..a few weeks ago i joined..so much support..good luck!!:smile: