Talk me into morning workout



  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    Try sleeping in your sports bra and workout shorts. I have done that , and waken up not having to take the step of putting cold clothes on my toasty warm body fresh out of bed.

    (I am a morning person most days but sometimes resent that alarm clock.)

    I've done that!:blushing:
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    OMG it is sooo hard. I get up at 4:50AM to go work out. Some days you have to set like 4 snoozes so you have more opportunities to talk yourself into rolling out of the bed ! But it does a few good things for you.

    Helps you keep up your routine because there is really nothing that can POP up on you that will keep you from working out
    (the rest of the day there are no guarantees)
    Helps get your metabolism reved up for the entire day
    Lets you know from the first hour how many exercise calories you get to eat back
    Helps you sleep better at night
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    It's real easy. You get up and MAKE IT HAPPEN! You set aside that extra 30 minutes and just do it! Make NO excuses.

    Yes, it will suck the first few days. But then you will notice you have more energy, less stress, you have better attitude. Then you realize wow I don't have to worry about working out after work, dinner, kids, laundry, dishes etc......Because you have already done it!
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    Honestly I tried morning workouts to help alleviate mommy guilt. Didn't work out. My intesity wasn't the same and I think it caused me to fall off the wagon with food (I tend to binge at night and working out alleviates that craving). I play the wii dance with my kids at night for a workout, when they get bored or tired I bust out like ten crazy songs to get the sweat flowing and call it good. My husband and I squeeze out a quick 20 minute strenght and scuplt workout twice a week. I plan to also incorporate going to the gym for Zumba twice a week depending on my husband and kids' schedules.

    I tried and failed at the morning thing. Nights can be a crazy time, but I have to get at least 20-30 minutes in or I feel like crap. On the weekends I go for an hour or more sometimes twice a day.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    The only way I can go running by myself is if I go in the mornings when my husband and boys are still sleeping because by the time the boys are in bed in the evening, I'm just too exhausted to go.

    What helps me is (obviously) going to bed early, sleeping in exactly what I'm going running in (t-shirt, sports bra, sweat pants) so all I have to do in the morning is put on socks, my HRM, and throw on a hooded sweatshirt while I'm tying my shoes.

    It also helps me to go in the morning because I feel more awake throughout the day and I actually have more energy than the days that I don't get to go. Also, it helps that I'm still half-sleeping for some of my run and makes it not as painfully long for me (I get bored pretty easily).
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    Try it and see. You need to find what works best for you, early morning, right after work, after the kids go to bed.
    Personally I do mornings but I currently don't work. Even if I did my husband gets up at 4:30 for work so I have to get kids off to school.
    I do think variety is key to success. I do dvd's (kids do them with me sometimes), have an elliptical, go to the gym, take classes, go for run/walk, take family to shoot hoops, walk/run to park with kids while they ride scooters. Variety keeps me from getting burned out and I actually find myself devising ways to get some exercise into my day.

    It's hard in the beginning but I've been doing this for over a year and really enjoy it now.
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    I AM a morning person. But I was not always one - it took time to get there. Here's why I love a morning workout:

    1. As a mother of two kids and a wife, this is Guilt Free time for myself. With everyone fast asleep, no one is missing out on time with me. It really is "me time".

    2. It gives me loads of energy throughout the day - plus it revs up your metabolism so that even when you are not working out during the day, your metabolism is still working from your morning routine.

    3. Puts me in a great mood to start the day

    4. When I don't work out in the morning, I eat badly. I do not like to "waste" my workout by eating badly, but even when there are bagels and cakes at work and I do sucuumb I do not feel too bad about it because I already paid my dues in the morning

    5. If necessary, you also have the option of doing another light workout in the evening.

    BTW - the alarm clock rings at 4.30am - for a 5.15 start at the gym. I sleep in my gym clothes..

    Hope this helps.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I love to sleep and hate to get up at 4:30, or at least I hate getting up that early for the first 5 minutes but once I'm in my workout clothes and in workout mode...I'm awake and feeling pumped. Then I work out for 45-60 minutes and I'm wide awake, energized and feel great. That feeling stays with me ALL day long. Plus my workout is done and it's not looming over me all day. I usually have enough energy and stamina to do another woorkout at night when I have time :) I love it!
  • k9runner1963
    k9runner1963 Posts: 108 Member
    I like the morning work out because I get it done and don't have to worry about any intrusions getting in the way of an afternoon workout.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Hard to get used to getting up for morning workouts.....BUT once you get the routine it is so amazing. I have more energy throughout the day, feel more awake, better mindset, etc. Exercise produces this at all hours of the day, but to get the boost in the morning helps the whole day. Just takes getting up 45 minutes earlier. you can do it!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I hate working out in the morning. BUT it is the ONLY time I can get anything in. It's not alot, I walk on the treadmill, so not much but its something....Here's some tips:

    1. Sleep in your work out clothes. Danskin or stretchy black pants and a t-shirt.
    2. If you don't sleep in a bra, hang it on the door handle.
    3. I have contacts, keep a headband close to where you keep your glasses, contacts etc...put it on.
    4. Put shoes next to treadmill along with a chair to sit in
    5. Keep earphones on the treadmill.
    6. Walk
    (Turning on TV optional) :)
    Make it as stupid easy as you possibly can....and you will find it easier to do if you know all you have to do is walk to the next thing and get it done.

    Trust me I still cuss every morning, but after I'm done with the workout, I feel soo much better, and I'm ahead by that many calories already! What an awesome feeling
  • Massageu2
    I am right there with you. I am SO not a morning person, but for about the last 4 months, I have been getting up between 4:00 and 4:30 am to head to the gym, usually 3 to 5 mornings a week. It has taken a while and I still have my mornings where the "I don't wanna" wins out, but it has been going pretty well overall. I also find that since the first of the year, it is very hard to get to the machines that I want to use because of all the "New Year's Resolutioners" that have taken over the gym. I don't want to discourage anyone, but it frustrates me when I can't get to the equipment I need because someone is on the treadmill walking at 1 mph and talking on their cell phone. I gave up on going in after work and just stick to my mornings now. It is so much more relaxing to not fight for a machine that way. You may need to do what I did and start setting your alarm to go off 5 minutes earlier each day until you get to the time you need to be up to get your workout in. Good luck, and keep us posted on how it goes for you. :wink:
    WBSJR Posts: 26 Member
    Definitely NOT a morning person... I'm the guy who is usually up until midnight every night, so the thought of doing a morning workout was repulsive. However, I pushed past that and tried it for 21 days. Now, I LOVE IT! I get up at 5:00AM, grab a quick bowl of cheerios, and am at the gym by 5:30ish. Never have to wait for a machine at this hour, plus I can work out for a full two hours before I have to be to work, and am not rushing to finish because I want to go home or have errands to do. I am less likely to miss a workout when I do them in the morning. It is too easy to blow off an afternoon workout because I have errands or schedule conflicts. Mornings are SO MUCH easier! I also feel like I got my day started on the right foot (no pun intended) and actually accomplished something. Plus, it gives me energy for my mornings. My gym also has 5:30am Spin Classes too. I suggest you give it a try, but for at least 21 days (the time it takes to form a habit) and see if you can push through it. My body has adjusted, and I try to get to bed by 10:30 or 11:00pm and it's working for me. Trust me, if I can do it, you can too... Hated AM workouts for a loooooooooooong time.

    Good luck!
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    Well until last week when my husband and I started the p90x, I had a hard time deciding when to do my exercise. I always, always, always feel TONS better when I do it, it was just hard with having to work @ 6am and then having my 2 and 3 year olds to take care of on my days off. Now, we both get up at the crack of dawn :yawn: (by 4am on days I work, by 5am on days I don't) and get our p90x in before the kiddos wake up and need fed/pottied...etc...
    We both feel great afterwards. My husband just started exercising last week when we started this and he had had some difficulty sleeping at night, not anymore! He feels more awake and ready for the day and finds it much easier to rest at night. It is great to have the time with him in the mornings also!!!!! :love:
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    It's 11am and I have no energy...I didn't workout this morning. When I do a morning workout - I walk into my office happy as can be (everyone thinks I had a lot of caffiene - but truthfully, all I have most mornings is oats, fruit and greek yogurt). You just have to get up and do it, it really can make a huge difference in how you feel and how successful you are at achieving your weightloss goals.
  • jnbud2002
    I am with you! Definitely not a morning person! I didn't do my workout last night because I decided to just pass out with the kids. I came to the realization that I can do a 30 minute workout here at work because we're really slow in the a.m. I've thought about the whole get up before the kids do in the morning, but it's hard to think about. Even when I go to sleep as early as I do with the kids, I still don't want to get up! And then I'm afraid my son is going to get in my way once he does decide to wake up! But I tried the walkout at work this morning and feel awesome already! Actually thinking of maybe going for another 15-30 minutes, if not, then I plan to do it tonight for sure! I'm willing to try this out if you are! Having someone else do it with you is helpful!
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks for all the replies.
    I am going to do it. I already knew most of the reasons everyone gave, but your replies still help motivate.

    The one piece of advice I didnt know which was suggested several times is to sleep in a sports bra.
    I will borrow one of my wife's and let you know it it helps.:happy:
  • Lita00
    I HATE mornings. They are NOT my friend! But a few months ago my mother (who has already replied to this post) signed me up for a morning boot camp. I now go 2 or 3 times per week (usually 2 because I cannot get out of bed on the 3rd day). This boot camp has NOT turned me into a morning person. However, this past Monday I was "too tired" so I did not go in the morning- I went in the evening instead. I found that I did not get as good a workout in the evening; I only burned 2/3 of my normal calories and this AFTER I spent the entire day with no not worth having gone back to bed! Then I got sick and was truly unable to make it in the rest of the week, I hate to admit it but I am actually looking forward to Monday morning. Mornings are a better time to workout because it gets your day going and your body moving. With kids its hard but try to eek out an intense 15 minutes (30 if you can swing it) before your kids wake up in the morning. After it a while (a long while) it becomes routine and it is not so hard to do. Just make a promise to yourself to do it and stick with it. Better health is always a great motivation!