february blues?

I'm definitely not a quitter, but I've been having the worst week as far as eating, working out, and feeling good about myself.

Then I got a box full of goodies and candies from my mom, who knows full well that candy is my weakness and that i am no longer eating it--and what do i do? eat it. all.

I've definitely come a long way, and i am nowehere near where i used to be--but do you ever have those days (weeks?) where you look in the mirror and are still disappointed?

My larger question-- It is easier or harder for you when there is a "deadline" for weight loss? i am 20 lbs. away from my goal, but i would love to reach that goal before i go back to school in june. sometimes i wonder if that deadline is putting too much pressure on? after all, this is a lifestyle change with me, not just a quick fix.


  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I like deadlines it gives me something to work towards. =] not that I quit when I get there though just make a new deadline for more goals.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Hang in there! Its a process, and some days are better than others, but take it one day at a time in this journey. As far as a deadline, I like them cause it gives me something to look forward to and keeps me honest
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I tend to do more when I have a deadline I am facing. Whether its weight related, work related, etc.

    Don't worry about the candy. Brush it off. Today is another day and you start again!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    The winter blues are so common! Try getting more time outside if you can - absorb the sun's rays! Valentine's day isn't very helpful for people on diets either! All that focus on candy and romantic dinners, bleh!

    I suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and clinical depression on top of that. Talk about knowing the winter blues... I have managed to keep it in check this year. Surprisingly enough, forcing myself to exercise and eat right has gone a long way to helping me beat it back! I had to bribe myself to go into work a couple weeks in January, but usually I miss a lot more than I did this year. And I feel better having done it! Routine and exercise is the best way to work through a case of the blues.

    You can do it. You have all the support you need right here, a few mouse clicks away!