Help!! Need tips and suggestions to help weight loss

Hello all. I am looking for advice and suggestions on how to get my weight loss started. I am 5'8" and had a baby in November 2010. Last year, I was able to lose all the 42 lbs baby weight plus 15 lbs and got to a comfortable weight at 150. I then got too comfortable and stopped working out and watching what I ate and really enjoyed the holidays. I was up 15 lbs again when 2012 started and I am serious about trying to lose the last 20 lbs now. I would love to be 140 and be extremely happy with 135. I am logging all my calories and staying under, I am working out 5-6 days a week for at least 45 minutes to 90 minutes a day. I need help!!! I have only lost 5 lbs in the last 45 days. In the last 3 weeks I have fluctuated between 157 and 159. Last year, I easily was dropping 1-3 lbs a week. What is going on?! The only difference is I am no longer breastfeeding and I drink coffee now and didn't before. I know breastfeeding helps, but what can I do to jump start this weight loss. I still have a lot to go. Any suggestions and advice are appreciated and my diary is open. Thanks!


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I hate to tell you this, but losing 5 lbs in 45 days is great. That's roughly a pound a week, which is what is recommended. At your weight, dropping 3 pounds a week with that little amount of weight to lose is almost impossible without taking drastic/unhealthy measures. I am sure you didn't gain the weight quickly and you certainly won't lose it quickly. You are doing great, keep it up, and most importantly BE PATIENT!