first week- need help- only lost 1 lb

This is my first week and I have read some other people's post about how much they are loosing. I have only lost 1 pound. Am I doing something wrong? I only get 1200 calories a day (which is hard) I will admit I have gone over one day but that was valentine's day but when I am under I have been under 100+ calories. Can anyone help guide me on what I am doing wrong. I try and document everything I eat or drink and I have been walking everyday during my lunch break. I honestly only need to loose about 20 pounds but want to flatten my tummy while doing this so I am trying.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    One pound is nothing to sneeze have to figure that some people have a lot of water weight to lose or are starting from a much higher weight than you are. And maybe 1200 is too low of a number for you.
    Congrats on getting started!!
  • one pound is actually great! Research shows that when the weight comes off slowly (1-2lbs per week) the chances are much higher that it will stay off. Many people that lose rapidly are losing water weight as before mentioned. Next time you think 1lb is nothing, go look at 1lb brick of butter.....that is what you just took off of your body! WAY TO GO! Keep up the great work. Make sure you are eating enough calories...if you are not, that is as bad as eating too many as your body thinks it is starving and will store calories instead of burning them.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am right here with you. This is my 2nd week and I have lost only 2 lbs. I am not giving up though. I figure I need to figure out the "perfect storm" for me. I am trying to loose 20 to get down to the 130's. Yes, all I wanna see is 139 :P

    I read ur bio. I saw that u used to be a smoker and are on tyroid meds. Deep breathes, u just started this journey :) I used to smoke as well. And I think if u can overcome the smoking urge, u can do ANYTHING!

    I am a mom of 2 as well as I work full-time. U can friend me if you would like. I have some awesome friends that have really motivated me.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hey, you lost a pound and that's spectacular! I doubt you are doing anything wrong, you just need to give your body time to adjust to the new routine! You can try adding a little extra water to help amplify your losses!
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    One pound is nothing to sneeze have to figure that some people have a lot of water weight to lose or are starting from a much higher weight than you are. And maybe 1200 is too low of a number for you.
    Congrats on getting started!!

    I have to agree, one pound is not bad. As for wanting to flatten the tummy, might I recommend Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred? The workout is about 27 minutes and combines cardio, strength and abs. Check out some of the post where people have posted before and after pictures, they are amazing.
  • You definitely should add in some more exercise. You should try to find an aerobics class or something (I go at my gym) -- without physically lifting weights (even if they are really light!) you won't change your musculature much. Try adding in cardio (more than just walking) to see dramatic results.

    1200 net calories should not be too low, as long as you are pairing with exercise. You want to also make sure you are eating healthy, and not just light. Your body still needs proper nutrients.

    Good luck!

    PS - 1lb a week is a lot!
  • TobyTimmyNala
    TobyTimmyNala Posts: 40 Member
    One week is not enough time to see big results. After all its week 1! But in any event, my suggestion is to not obsess over the weight loss...what you are doing is a LIFESTYLE change and like someone else said on MFP it did not take a week to put the weight on, therefore you can't expect the weight to disappear in a week. Keep with it, your doing the right thing!
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I have been on here since January 5th and I too lost about a pound a week. I have lost 16 pounds so far and FEEL GREAT!!! I think too that if you lose slowly you will be more likely to keep it off. I would try real hard not to go under 1200 carlories. They say that is harder to lose weight.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    also keep in mind how much you need/want to lose. your 1 pound may be, percentage wise, on the same plane as someone who needs to lose more weight. Also, mind the fact that excess fat tends to burn far more easily when someone has been more sedentary in their activities, and has an unhealthy diet. For you, this new trend in eating better and exercising might be different, but it might pale in comparison to someone who had a very high caloric intake and very low activity/caloric output ratio.

    long story short, don't compare your progress to others, because the grass is always greener haha
  • 1 lb in a week is nothing to sneeze at. The healthy rate to loose weight in everything I've read is 1-2 lbs per week. Good luck!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    1. I read on your profile that you have a thyroid problem. That can make a big difference in how much you lose and how quickly you lose it.

    2. Eat all of your calories. Women have this idea that you have to eat like a starving child in africa to lose weight. this is not true. eat all your calories and your excercise calories.

    3. RELAX!! This is not the biggest loser. 1-2 lbs a week is good. More=you will probably gain it all back. It has been proven time and time again. You dont have that much to lose, you may want to change your goals to 1lb a week anyway.

    4. I hope you are not comparing your weight loss to your husband. Men lose WAY faster that women. It is something that is a very cruel part of life and it can make you feel all poopy about yourself if you let it. Dont do that.

    5. Welcome to MFP!!!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member

    2. Eat all of your calories. Women have this idea that you have to eat like a starving child in africa to lose weight. this is not true. eat all your calories and your excercise calories.

    thank you, great point!

    To add on:

    the body will go into 'starvation mode,' preserving all the calories taken in, in response that it might need to hold those for storage later on. Also, make sure you are eating at EACH meal, not just 2 or even 1 meal. Breakfast is the most important (we've been hearing that since we were kids, right?) meal of the day for a reason. It 'breaks' the 'fast' and lets your body take in calories to burn and makes sure you don't go into starvation mode as your day goes on and the calories stock pile from previous meals.