I just had a baby!!! What can i do???

SO... I just had a baby 1 wk ago, and i know that its a little early to be talking about working out, but i have a long way to go, and i wanna get started!!! I have always been very little besides when i am pregnant, i am wanting to loose weight, but dont know how to start, i never had to worry about it before!!!
What can i do as far as exercise, and eating right that would help???


  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    It's not bad to think about future goals, but one week post-partum is not the time to be worrying about losing weight....I would advise just getting a lot of rest, drink a ton of water (especially if you are breastfeeding) and enjoy this special time with your baby. Medically speaking, your body needs to heal from childbirth. At this point I would just focus on eating healthy foods, and then in a few weeks start incorporating light exercise. If your childbirth was not complicated, doctors usually release to resume normal activities at 6 weeks post partum. Congrats on your baby!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Eat right and rest, you've just put your body through the ringer, let it start healing. There's plenty of time to get back to it, but right now it should be all about healing, taking it easy (short walks), and figuring out when you'll actually get some sleep.
  • If your breast feeding, don't worry about the weight, it will come off on its own, seriously. And I agree below, don't worry yet, your not even suppose to start walking fast for 6 weeks.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I agree with the previous poster about the 6 week mark.

    For now it's ok to read, research and plan your attack.... but do not start dieting or exercising until the 6 week mark.
    Your body needs the calories to heal.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eating right (without constricting cals) is the most important part. For now focusing on eating right and then once your body is ready then you can start incorporating some exercising...start with some water exercises or maybe walking...both can be done with the baby... :)
  • katcj
    katcj Posts: 32 Member
    Agree with the other posters, you shouldn't start any form of exercise until 6 weeks after the birth - but I suppose if you feel up to it you could speak to your midwife/doctor and take their advice. I would suggest that if the weather is ok and you have no medical reason not to, go for a *gentle* walk each day with your baby, that will be a good start - congratulations on the birth :smile:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I had a baby last June. I waited for 4 weeks until I started working out again and at that point, I took it slowly. I started with stretching until I was comfortable with that. Then I started the 30ds and swinging kettlebells. It's really important to listen to your body and pay attention to it. Some workouts and stretches will really put your pelvis in pain after having a baby. Just be patient though. It will come in time.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    I agree. Wait to exercise until 6 weeks (unless ok'd by your dr - I was ok'd at 2 weeks for "light-moderate exercise after my c-section). If you are breastfeeding, nutrition is VERY important, so concentrate on eating right. :)
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Everyone is different, but my wife had a natural delivery and she started working out just days later.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Don't be concerned with working out so much now. One week in you need your rest. Eat healthy & drink lots of water.

    Are you breast feeding? This BURNS major calories.

    Overall take it one day at a time and if there is a day you feel like going out for a walk ~ head to a mall. I used to walk with my son all over the mall when he was a newborn.
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats! Are you breastfeeding? If so be careful going into full-force weight loss. You need calories to establish a milk supply and keep in mind that you burn calories while breastfeeding.
  • i agree with everything so far. I had a baby last may but was a big girl when i got pregnant. i maybe rushed into exercising too fast and eating moderately too quickly also. in turn i was only able to breastfeed for 4 months. worst choice i could have made! do yourself a favor- focus on enjoying the time with your baby and when you breastfeed it will come off on its own
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    Talk to your doctor...don't take medical advice from people on the internet. Seriously
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    If you are breast feeding make sure you're eating well (and enough!!). At this point the weight will come off pretty quickly just by itself.
  • Talk to your doctor...don't take medical advice from people on the internet. Seriously


    It's okay to get advice here but everyone is soooo different! Make sure to speak to your doctor (who's been keeping a very close eye on you and the little one for MONTHS and knows your body!)....and follow his/her advice.

    (But yes, Breast Feeding does burn calories. I lost 20 lbs in the first two weeks...I ate healthy and I ate A LOT! And I lost...it's the natural process...let it flow....)
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Eat good foods!!!!!!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Congradulations on becoming a new mother!

    Don't exercise too early. You'll only pull your stitches and set yourself back by 3 weeks. Give yourself 6 weeks to heal, depending upon how your delivery went.

    Walks are fine, but you don't want to expose the baby to too many strangers, or to cold weather. A treadmill is great. And don't be discouraged if you can only use it 10 minutes at a time. Do intervals in one minute bursts in the time you've got. Check out this link:

    Especially equip yourself so that you can grab quick and easy meals over the next 3 months, that have complex carbs and protein. Avoid empty calories. When you eat, make it count.

    The weight gain comes when you are too tired to cook, and grab some sweet pastry to tide you over.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I agree. Wait to exercise until 6 weeks (unless ok'd by your dr - I was ok'd at 2 weeks for "light-moderate exercise after my c-section). If you are breastfeeding, nutrition is VERY important, so concentrate on eating right. :)

    Just want to say.......that is the cutest baby ever!!! (except for my grandbabies of course :)
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    A mixture of what everyone else said :) dont worry about it you are only one week post partum! Just eat healthy, drink lots of water and RELAX once you hit that 6 week mark and then slowly start back up! Unless you have the perfect baby Im sure you are going to be tired and worn out these first few weeks. I was so concerned with losing weight that I just started doing little walks with my son in stroller but my pelvis region started to hurt, when I went and seen doctor she knew I wasnt taking it easy though I didnt say anything about it. I only breast fed for the first month and did not lose too much, then the second month with a little working out (no longer breast feeding) I was back down to pre pregnancy weight! And I have the worse metabolism EVER. My son is now five months old and I am still losing weight every week!

    If you were active during pregnancy and you just HAVE TO do something then just do what you were doing. But my best advice would be take it easy, eat right, drink lots of water and take this 6 weeks as a little vacation :) You still have the time to use the excuse "I just had a baby!" :P youll be fit and sexy before you know it! Good luck!!
  • Danhra
    Danhra Posts: 77
    I know that everyone is different, but I would suggest walking. This is the only thing I did after both my boys and I never had a problem. The reason I think it is perfect for your situation too is that it is not an intense workout or anything, so you can start doing it this early. Walk everyday, and if you are going somewhere close by, walk there instead of driving. Not only will this be good for your physical health, but your mental health as well, as it will provide you a bit of winding down time, which I am sure you wont be getting much of with a new baby ;)

    Good luck!

    I just wanted to add: Just make sure you don't overdo it. Obviously your body needs to heal and recover after what it has been through/is still going through. Don't push yourself for the first little while.