Why am I not losing weight?



  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    no offense... but why do i keep seeing the SAME EXACT TOPIC OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

    please people.. do a search on the forums first to see if your questions already been answered.

    everyone will tell you.
    eat more.
    2. workout.

    the end. goodnight

    If you have to say "no offense" than you are probably going to say something offensive...in my experience at least....just chill and don't read the posts if you don't want to, nobody is forcing you

    ^^^^^Bump^^^^^ and that's putting a troller in their place :D ... no offense!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies. I know I do eat a lot of processed foods, but I really don't have a choice when I am gone from 9-9 every day with no way to refrigerate or keep things cool. I will try tracking the sodium for the water retention, and some higher intensity and heavier weights too.

    Get a six pack fitness back. Built in ice packs on the sides that stay frozen for 8-10 hours. I use one, they are ace. Fresh, unprocessed food is king.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Something I noticed that I didn't see anyone comment on is that you are very frequently eating over your exercise calories. For example, if MFP sets you at 1400 and you exercise 500, you can eat 1900 and still be in weightloss range. However, pretty often it seems, you could be eating like 2300 in this scenario, which almost completely negates the calorie deficit. Salt and water retention are rather possible, but even reducing salt won't help much if you keep overeating your calorie allowance. I know you ate extra last week on purpose, but this week you are doing it too and maybe you aren't realizing it?

    You also have no breakfast listed on several days, or just tea with honey. Though I know calories don't metabolize immediately, from a digetion perspective, you're going to get more out of your food if you spread it out and provide nutrients at intervals. That way you don't overload your system and you can finish processing.

    Good luck :)
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I'm in the same boat, and at a stall. I would suggest to you to watch your sodium levels, and try to eat less refined carbs and processed foods.
    You should be changing your life, not a number on the scale.

    So she shouldn't pay attention and monitor her weight at all just because she's changing her lifestyle? I hate this idea, seeing the number go down can really rev up your motivation on bad days, and while it's not the best measure for short-term progress, it counts for something.

    If you change your life style, the number will take care of itself. Don't get too focused on the number.

    I get that you shouldn't be focused on the "number" BUT... I am in the same boat. Been at it for six weeks and keep going up and down the same 3-5lbs. I do strength and cardio 4-5 days of the week. I have a HRM and Body Media Fit questimating what I am burning. But I am not loosing. And the scale is my meter as it is for most.
    So, even though I am eating very well...little to no processed food... all fresh meats, veggies and fruits and drink a ton of water... and only drink water. I have not lost.
    That makes me think that well... my metabolism isn't what every equation assumes it to be. Or maybe I have a hormone imbalance..or maybe a thyroid or insulin issue.
    Don't bag on someone because they get on the scale...
    Encourage them... tell them to measure instead of weight..
    If that hasn't changed, then go to the doctor.
    Weight loss for some people unfortunately isn't about just eating right and moving your butt. Lots of other things can play into shedding the lbs.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    What is it with MFP user and eating back calories burnt thro exercise calories? Whats the point of doing that?

    Honestly. Its quite quite simply, use the expended to burn calories stored as fat to burned off. I honestly coach people and NEVER get them to eat back calories they burn, this is a messed up idea. Do you honestly think being 300 calories or so after exercise will do much?

    Mis-calculate or under weigh the food you are eating and you WON'T have a deficit, beyond a 100 or so calories. That'll do sod all. Heck even 300 calories a day will only be half a pound of fat burned, and that can be hidden under water retained from eating salt or carbs. Pointless.

    Sorry to rant but I keep hearing this idea over and over!