P90 vs P90x vs Insanity

So i'm looking to start a P90, P90x or Insanity in the coming weeks.

What is the difference btn the 3? Do they have different 'styles'? Does it matter which one I 'start' with?

Thanks for your help everyone :)


  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I see these as 3 levels.
    p90 to start then p90x is a bit more intense next step then insanity after that.

    p90 & p90x are done by the same guy and I personally think he is a good instructor and keeps me motivated. The guy who does insanity works you a lot harder, makes you work for 3 mins and then 1 min recovery. My mum, who is nearing 60, loves all 3 programs.

    My personal favourite is p90x as there are more workouts and all different and mix it up. In particular Kempo.

    I hope this helps.
  • sulamita03
    sulamita03 Posts: 6 Member
    Looking for info in references:flowerforyou: to this product, yours has been helpful, thank yu.
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    I did P90X last January and LOVED It!! P90 I looked into and it was very beginner level. I think anyone at a beginner level could start with P90X. They all go into phases, but I don't see too many people doing P90 as much. Insanity is what I did after.. If you like cardio, go for it. I am glad I did P90X first to build my strength up (I had to lose a weight from my third child). Insanity is rough, but you get what you put into it.

    I can give you more info on it if you are interested. I'm doing Brazil Butt Lift now and am almost done with round 2. Message me if I can be of any help to you or anyone.. Gotta get my son of the bus. I have before and after pictures too of how the program helped me.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I agree with MDB that you could likely start with P90x and just modify where needed. Try the fit test and if you pass then get P90x first. You may want to do a couple of rounds of it and then throw in Insanity or Turbo Fire to keep you interested and avoid getting bored. That is just my opinion... all the programs that you listed are great!
  • rnfire13
    I did the P90x about 2 years ago. My plan was to do the Insantiy because the workouts are shorter. I have 3 small children and trying to find time to do an hour to an hour and a half workout at home without kids interference is challenging within its self. My husband however opted to do the P90x. Well I started the Insanity workout and could only make it through the warm-up and felt like I was gonna die. I watched my husband doing his workout one night and decided it was probably a better program to do if just getting back into exercise. I LOVED the program. It allows you to go at your own pace and track your progress. They have apps on smart phones that makes it easy to keep the schedules down and track your numbers. I lost about 25lbs and dropped 4 pant sizes. Its a great program :happy: