Give me some advice please, or a kick in the pants...

I lost my job 3 weeks ago, I'm a single mom trying to finish a course so that I can work from home. Not sure that I'm depressed about loosing my job, the stress of working there was much more than the stress of not having a job. I am ok financially til I get my course done and can work at home.

Here's what I'm finding...
- This week I've gone over on my calories more than not (should of never bought those oreos).
- I'm not exercising, I want to but I can talk myself out of it real fast. (ok I will admit I applied for a job that I will be working in the same building as my BFs ex wife. I'm bendictive, lol, I'm smaller than she is anyway but I want to look "awesome")
- I have no energy this week. I'm not sick or anything. I'm sleeping enough at night.
- I eat 3 times a day, breakfast, a small something for lunch and supper with my kids. I find I'm hungry inbetween meals, but if i eat I'm over calories. I feel like I wait to long to eat, which isnt good cuz I'm afraid my body goes into that fat store mode, and can almost feel my blood sugar dropping.

So does anyone have any suggestions, tips... anything that might help motivate me to exercise, any tips on snacking or meal tips to help with calorie balance? ANYTHING, I'm begging lol

Thanks so much!


  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    Eating between meals doesn't have to put you over on calories. Find healthy snacks that can fit in. Veggies, nuts, yogurt, popcorn (*NOT* the movie theater butter kind, though, lol). Plenty of foods you can eat that will be filling but barely put a dent in the calories.

    As for exercising, quit talking yourself out of it. Stop making excuses and just go. Perhaps this will inspire you:
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I eat all through the day and stay within my calories. I don't eat real big meals and have healthy snacks inbetween. As for not exercising the worst part is getting started then once you get going your already on your way. Then you are so glad you did when you get done.