Foods you have cut out entirely



  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I had to limit eggs, ice cream and peanut butter. Eggs because of my cholesterol (and I use to eat them every day), pb and ice cream because they are trigger foods for me. I can have them on my treat days, but otherwise I don't have them. So far it is just fine. :happy:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Nothing. I still like the foods I liked before, and I like a whole bunch of things I didn't like before so my food choices have grown.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    fried foods, fast food and mayo
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    soda pop and white bread. well haven't complete cut out white bread but I prefer whole grain/whole wheat.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Anything processed or low quality.
    Dairy & bread. After that I eat whatever I want.
  • Soda, dipping sauce, donuts and 2% milk. Now if I could just break myself from the french fries and chocolate.
  • Nothing. I just eat less of the bad foods and have added tons of fresh non-processed foods.
  • Butter on toast or sandwiches, only because I feel like I'm wasting calories on something I can easily go without. One of my downfalls is soft drink and while I still would like to have it every now and then - I've replaced my craving for soft drink for peppermint tea (it took awhile lol!)
  • savingherlife
    savingherlife Posts: 10 Member
    Soda of all kinds. And what do you know, I feel better! :o)
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    Fast food, white bread, packaged meals, most chips, alcohol.....I'll NEVER give up my waffles with real butter and syrup!!! Thats one cheat meal i look forward too :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Do food intolerances count?


    Have to be careful of osme other foods.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    regular soda, especially coke. i try really hard not to have cookies as they are a trigger food. potato chips, also a trigger food. if i have a cookie or chips i will want the whole bag and end up feeling bad. i also do not eat mac and cheese anymore...that is cause last time i had it it made me feel sick and then i saw the calorie count- yikes!
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I haven't given anything up 100%. At home it is whole grain breads, pastas and rice only though. We switched from 2% milk to 1%. I mainly have changed portion sizes. Less prepackaged foods. I'm watching my sodium intake closely so fast food is out for the most part but I can typically find something that I can eat anywhere.

    Edited to add: I have never been a soda drinker so all soda has been out for a long long time.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    About the only thing I can say I've cut out is Soda and Juice because I can think of better ways to use my calories.Then again, I'll have one of those every now and again. But it's definitely been a while.

    I don't really believe in cutting out things I enjoy. The minute I start cutting things this healthy lifestyle is on its way out.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    I have not really cut out any particular foods although I have certainly made slow and gradual changes to my diet (some of my friend's may say too slow - my rate of weight loss has certainly slowed down of late!).

    The main initial change that I made was to simply drink a lot more water instead of soft drink / sodas. I used to drink quite quite a lot of diet drinks. Whilst these supposedly had "zero" calories, there is no doubt that they were sabotaging my attempts towards building healthier eating habits. I now limit my consumption to around 1-3 glass of diet coke per week (vs 1-3 per day previous consumption).

    The other things that I eat less of (but have not totally eliminated) is:

    1. Bread - I used to eat 2 or more slices with each main meal and now aim for none (unless I am having sandwiches for example).

    2. Fries/chips - I used to regularly snack every day on fries or chips. I now limit my consumption to eating fries/chips on "junk food" days only (which I have cut back from 3 or more times a week on average to less than once a week).

    3. Sweets - I have a real sweet tooth and for me the biggest change has been cutting back on the amount of cakes, chocolate and pastries that I consume. Yes I still eat them but once again, the frequency and volume of such snacks is a lot less than before starting with mfp logging.

    Probably the closest thing I have to a "food" that I have (almost) cut out entirely is alcohol. I used to drink at least 2-3 schooners of beer when socialising and at work functions. I now drink water instead, although I do sometimes indulge in a beer or 2 very (very) occasionally.

    I have also battled constantly with pizza so avoid it UNLESS someone else in my family has bought it or I it is available at a social function. Pizza is my arch nemesis.

    Interestingly though, this journey is not only about what foods I have cut out, but what I am eating more of. I have INCREASED my consumption of:
    - Meat and eggs (protein is great)
    - Green vegetables and salad (I love spinach and chicory)
    - Healthier varieties of breakfast (oatmeal in winter, all bran cereal in summer) and like I said before
    - LOTS and LOTS of water
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    soda, refined sugar, and any processed carbs.
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    Interestingly enough now that I am eating properly I don't crave anything. Now I have been only doing this lifestyle change for 2 weeks but I am very surprised at the positive effects. I was able to stop caffeine cold turkey as well without the horrible headaches or sluggishness. Now, I did start off with 3 days of just juicing vegetables and some fruits. I think this gave me a burst of micronutrients that allowed my body to feel satisfied and happy with the nutrition that I was receiving that it wasn't sending off the craving type of signals. Now I make sure I get my greens in and an daily fruit and I am also gluten free now as well. But it is odd. Everytime I drove past a fast food place I would get hungry and now it is as if I don't even see it. I was never a sweet craver but loved my potatoes and burgers. While I still do eat potatoes it isn't like I need one... I changed from beef burgers to turkey burgers which I love just as much but again... for whatever reason the first thing I go for is an organic juice freshly made or a salad or veggie without even thinking.

  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    McDonald's! I used to be able to eat a 10 piece nugget meal with the largest order of fries possible, two apple pies, a large orange Hi-C, and still want to finish off my kids happy meal that she didn't finish. Then I realized that was all because the food wasn't satisfying. It would fill my stomach but my taste buds were not pleased. I was trying to satisfy a need for real food and real flavors with cheap "Food-like" options. Now the thought of McDonald's make me scrunch my nose. The fries were the last thing I stopped being able to eat though LOL but even now they don't taste like real potatoes so I'd rather get my fry fix from elsewhere, home usually (oven baked).