
Okay can anyone help me please?? I have read that you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes for your body to burn fat. I have also read some studies have shown that fast hard workouts have shown signifigant results in weight loss. With that being said I dont have much time to work out with a 5 month old around and have been working out when I can. My Elliptical tells me I am burning calories but am I burning fat? So confused, and if I can burn off calories quickly can I just jump on the machine and work off what I have consumed after each meal?? If anyone can explain this to me...:smile:


  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Calories does burn fat, though if you ate a little bit before, your body will burn the food in your stomach for fuel first. That's why its said to maximize fat loss you do cardio on an empty stomach.