Feel like a failure...bad fortnight :S

Urgh the past two weeks have been bad for my diet...exercise routine has been better than ever, but recently I am eating so much, 4 days in a row I have eaten around 200/2100 calories (I did still gym it which was a positive) because i am revising for my mock A levels and am so stressed and worried, plus my best friend has come over for two weeks so eating out has been common, though I have mad eok choices. I eat SO much, all the time now as I am so bored and stressed from revision, the last couple days have been better but I have been eating around 1500 calories instead of the MFP 1300 for my goal...I just feel desperately off the wagon, has anyone else had a 'bad patch' for a while? I feel like food controls ME rather than I conrol food, at this point I can't just have one of something I have to have it all, I used to be really good but the past two weeks my body seems to be rebelling against this diet :S Ay advice/motivation would be sosoos appreciated :)


  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I'm with you! I started in Dec and was doing really well, lost 4 pounds, then read about cheat days, had one and gained a pound! Keep going over my cals and gained another. Luckily I'm still down 2 pounds from where I started but I'm having a HARD time developing willpower to say NO to sweets! I keep reading to get over it, accept it and move on but it's really hard for me NOT to go over my calories. I even started working out 6 days a week so that I can EAT more, and that doesn't seem to be working as I still keep eatting sweets! I've read about not eatting back exercise calories, but I'm afraid that not work for me either!!! :sad: