i need support

ok,so,here it is.i've been trying to lose weight for years now,but it hasn't been successful.i'm way too lazy,i love to eat and i don't have any self control.i always find myself complaining about being fat,but i never do much to lose weight.when i'm on a diet,it usually doesn't last more then 10 days,because i always give up.i guess the most important thing for me to do would be learning how to control myself,and really say no to food and say yes to exercising.can anyone help?


  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I would say that dieting is about 70% or more of your results. Eating is an action that we do most of during the day. What some of my friends that have had trouble staying on a diet is to take it in baby steps. Don't try to go straight for that 1000 - 1200 cal a day plan because most of the time it is too much of a shock to the body. First just try to decrease your usual daily intake by 200 - 300 cals. Then from there, a week or so, decrease it by another 100-200 so forth and so on. Even if you do not exercise dieting properly can still yield small results as far as losing weight. Hope this might help.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    thank you,it did help.i mean,i guess that has been a problem for me,because every time i was on a diet,i was obsessed about it and i tried to eat much less from the beginning,it was overwhelming.
  • I completely agree with DannyBoy. Baby steps. Other wise you'll crash and burn fast. Also, don't be afraid to treat yourself every once in a while, just keep in mind, moderation. If you eat it, you should likely burn it off. (: Find a fun exercise, or even this 30 day thing I'm doing. It's a 30 day challenge, you have to run for thirty minutes for thirty days. It's been really helpful to me, I'm down 9 pounds and I'm only past week one. LOL, oh and water. I mean drown yourself in the stuff.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    oh,wow,that is awesome!i know water is good,but too much water isn't,really.you could die if you drank much more water than usually recommended,i'm not joking.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    This is true. Many people have "drowned" from drinking too much water. The stomach only has so much of a capacity. When it is full the liquid keeps going up the trachea and into the opening for the lungs. Lungs fill with water and drowning occurs.
  • Sbechiom
    Sbechiom Posts: 2 Member
    I feel more hungry on the days that I don't exercise first thing in the morning. This is just something that has worked for me. So, as hard as it is to get started, you might want to exercise in the mornings to rev up your metabolism and dampen your hunger. I eat small things throughout the day, so I'm never more than two hours away from a snack (80-calorie yogurt, an ounce of cheese, 100 calories of chicken breast, etc.). I haven't felt deprived once and I've been dieting for about five weeks now. Also, I don't know how it works for other people, but once I exercise, I'm less likely to want to negate my results by eating French fries or cheesecake. It's way too hard to work it back off and it's just a matter of awareness. Also, I have been on just enough diets in my life that I HAVE TO write everything down that goes in my mouth. It's a pain in the butt, but it's the only way to remember everything. 50 calories here and there add up! :) Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • I'm super lazy about excersizing too. I have been walking around my office where I work because 1)I'm already here and don't have to go anywhere else to excersize, 2)It gives me something to do and 3) I can do it in any minute intervals I want throughout my shift and even 5 minutes of walking at a time several times a day adds up fast! Also, I had to get a good pair of cushy shoes. I got the shape up type Doctor Sholes from Walmart for 30 bucks. They're so cushy it doesn't hurt to walk anymore. As far as food goes I was told by my doc I'm pre diabetic so I cut out all intentional sugar, meaning pop and candy and sweets etc. I still eat lots of fruit. Then I searched high and low for low cal substitutes such as Philly delight ice cream bars from Walmart. they're 14 cals a piece so I can eat like 3 of them, feel like I'm getting away with something, and hardly putting a dent in cal intake. They're also yummy by the way. I also picked up a bag of sugar free Hershey's little chocolate bars with caramel in them. 40 or 60 cals or something like that for three of them. Takes care of the chocolate craving in a pinch and seriously tastes like it has sugar in them! I eat home made tacos instead of taco bell. I got a foreman grill and grill everything instead of frying it such as chicken breasts etc. I switched out low sodium bacon for the real stuff which lowered the cals by like 60 cals a serving or something. It's around 140 cals for 3 slices and tastes the same as regular bacon. I also microwave it on one of those little cool micro baconater things which also reduces cals and fat. I poach eggs instead of frying them and eat them on toast which makes them way more filling. I can have two slices of toast with margarine with poached eggs on them and 3 or 4 slices of bacon for breakfast and only consume about 350 cals. I also east several little snacks all day such as an orange or some beef jerkey or almonds. Think smarter not harder! Why punish yourself by denying yourself when you can just substitute? Also, invest in a little gem called Truvia. It's like Splenda only way better. Looks just like sugar (granulated) and tastes awesome. I even put it on my wheaties. Even if you're not diabetic eat like you are. Cuz if you are obese and don't, you probably will be diabetic sooner or later anyway. This does not mean don't eat certain stuff, it means SUBSTITUTE it! You can really have fun with this, trust me!
  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    I so get what you are going through, I have been "losing" weight for the last 10 years, but every time I got depressed or stressed I resorted to drinking and eating to excess, hence lost my way and gave up.

    You can get motivated through this site, and when you are having a down day or a set back, share it with your MFP friends, and make sure you encourage them on too.

    I was about to give in last night, but because I now have a MFP network, I had the strength to go exercise instead of heading to the pub (and I felt great after it rather than depressed from failing again).

    Best of luck with your program, and feel free to invite me to be a friend.
  • If you like yogurt try the carbmaster brand yogurt. It's only 60 cals and way less carbs and sugar than the regular stuff and really tastes great! It's got a consistency more like flan.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    you guys in america are so lucky!you have all that tasty low calorie food.here in serbia,we don't have many of those.we do have low fat milk,cheese(which is disgusting) and yogurt.but that's about it.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    This is true. Many people have "drowned" from drinking too much water. The stomach only has so much of a capacity. When it is full the liquid keeps going up the trachea and into the opening for the lungs. Lungs fill with water and drowning occurs.

    ROFL !!
  • cnimngrl
    cnimngrl Posts: 4
    I'll tell you what, lower cal foods and such in America have only come about in the last 10 or 12 years. Now, I'm not saying there HASN'T been foods that were considered diet food before then, but more people are aware now of the foods that claim to be diet food that in fact contain as much or more of sugars and calories and fat than regular foods. So the choices and varieties of foods that really are better for us are much more plentiful these days. But there is a reason why America is one of the fattest countries in the world. McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken. All those wonderful tasting fast food restaurants are killing us!