
Ok so my big craving is chocolate. Probably in the same boat as many others! When Im dying for chocolate I will have like a weight watchers bar that has choccie on it or have a low cal hot choc.

I was just wondering what cravings you guys have and what you do to curb them?
I have been so hungry lately and just lookin for crave buster ideas



  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    They have these things here called Vitatops. I get the chocolate good. They are 100 calories. I also eat grapes, when I want something sweet and have no chocolate or anything else. I love chocolate!!
  • cdnclovr
    cdnclovr Posts: 65 Member
    Thinsations. Choco-covered pretzels, yogurt covered pretzels, choco chip cookies, choco cookies, cheesecake bar etc... They're only 100 cals a bag.
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    Yep LOVE chocolate. I have chocolate Fiber 1 100 Calorie bars. Or hot chocolate. They have hot chocolates out now that are coffee crisp, rolo and after eight flavors. 120 calories which is alot for coco but they are yummy.

    And thinasations are always a good choice too. Chocolate covered pretzels are so good.