How to stop binging?

I've been on a solid weight loss journey for four months now, and here and there I've had a bad day where I've wanted to overeat, but I got past it. But this time I'm having a bad WEEK! I really need some help with how to get through this.

I know in my head how to stop eating chips, and I know in the long-run that I WANT to stop, but for some reason I just CAN'T STOP eating chips when they are in front of me! And when they're not in front of me, I get all antsy cause I wish I were snacking. I don't know how to develop this self-control. Does anyone have any tips or advice, someone who's had a similar addiction/problem?


  • Don't keep that kind of food in the house.
    If you have other family members that eat it then you need to sit them down and explain to them what you are trying to do for your health. That kind of food will no longer be purchased.
    If you feel like munching get some baby carrots or drink a big glass of water.

    But do not beat yourself up! You also probably need to reevaluate your calories and perhaps increase a bit.

    Hope this helps :happy:
  • What I've been doing is taking the snack food, making myself actually measure out ONE SERVING, bag up the rest, put it away. Enjoy my little ONE SERVING, then immediately log it (so I immediately see the numbers go in!). If I want another serving, I'm going to have to dig back out the measuring cups that I just washed, dig back out that bag of chips, blahblahblah.

    Let me tell you, that gets old QUICK. Especially since I'm the kind of person that gets very, very stingy and anxious about my allotted calories. SEEING one handful of chips equaling half my breakfast is usually enough to shock me out of touching them for another few days.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I've been on a solid weight loss journey for four months now, and here and there I've had a bad day where I've wanted to overeat, but I got past it. But this time I'm having a bad WEEK! I really need some help with how to get through this.

    I know in my head how to stop eating chips, and I know in the long-run that I WANT to stop, but for some reason I just CAN'T STOP eating chips when they are in front of me! And when they're not in front of me, I get all antsy cause I wish I were snacking. I don't know how to develop this self-control. Does anyone have any tips or advice, someone who's had a similar addiction/problem?

    what are you eating? Controlling cravings is hard. And you have to eat foods that help you with that. A lot of people with cravings for starch are not controlling their carbs and are having blood sugar yo yo. They eat a lot of carbs at one meal, and no fiber or protein. And they get a rush of blood sugar which leads to the body throwing insulin into the blood and crashing the blood sugar back down. And that makes them feel the need for.........more carbs leading to the same up and down.

    Make sure you're eating some protein and decent amount of fiber with each meal and/or snack. Fiber makes you feel full and protein keeps the hunger feeling away an hour down the road.

    Open your diary if you want people to give you more specific advice.
  • nhacault
    nhacault Posts: 6 Member

    Try reading this article, it helped to explain things to me, now when Im craving, I can think about why
  • I agree with chaoticxinsan on the bag idea - at least you can still have what you like but in moderation. Also, that was an interesting article from ncahault - helpful to know the 'why' of cravings.
    Good luck.