Need Motivation

I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and have been eating under calories each day. I eat 1,200 calories unless I exercise and am allotted more. Still, I have never gone over 1,500. Still I have only lost 1.5 lbs. The numbers it keep saying I should weigh in a few weeks seem very far off from what I have lost so far. Help me!!!


  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    1.5 lbs in 2 weeks is a great loss. Just keep doing what you are doing.
  • gingersimper
    gingersimper Posts: 3 Member
    keep plugging along! i know it seems slow but 1.5 lbs in a two week period is very good, think of it this way, you may be losing it slow but you are changing your lifestyle and habits along the way. In the long run the lbs you lose will stay off. My suggestion for beefing things up in the long run, add weight lifting or some toning classes! p90x is a great way as well as Zumba toning classes! muscle eats fat like crazy!
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    I do work out daily. I just had done Weight Watchers once before and lost like 2 lbs a week. It was also much easier when I was in school and not working. I'm just trying to lose 20 lbs by the time I leave for Vegas 2 months from today and don't see it happening :(
  • tmlittl
    tmlittl Posts: 10 Member
    I feel you but just don't get discouraged! I have been having the same thing happening but I see a difference in inches and clothes.
  • ryjar80
    ryjar80 Posts: 33 Member
    I feel the same way. Been doing cardio and p90x for 10 weeks and lost 7 lbs overall but haven't lost anything in 4 weeks! I was hoping to be down at least 15 lbs by now. I feel like giving up. I guess i'll jeep going cause my husbands doing great but I feel so horrible right now. I need motivation too :frown:
  • Remember to measure yourself. As you become more fit you will lose fat but gain muscle, possibly increasing your weight or causing a plateau. Don't get discouraged. Use the results in the mirror and how your clothes fit to help you keep going.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Just keep with it! sounds like you are on the right track!

    It's hard, trust me- be patient!
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks all :)
  • Don't be discouraged! I get REALLY discouraged when I see the scale hasn't dropped at all, too. If you make this healthy alteration a part of your lifestyle, though, it'll be a lot easier to stick with it! The longer you stick with it, the better it will work! So don't fret! We're all right here with you if you need help!
  • You're doing great! Exercise is definitely a key component. Why don't you try not to replace the calories you burn with "extra" food for a week or two? I was doing that for a while and my doctor told me to eat my allotted calorie amount, but not to replace all of the calories I burn with food...... :) Keep going! Remember, the slower you lose weight the better your chances are of keeping it off!