Hi! Anyone else not tracking lbs?

I've been happily using the iPad app for a few weeks to track my eating and exercise. I am aiming to tone up any lose body fat- I imputed a starting weight but don't feel interested in checking the scale again. I am going by how I look & feel- is anyone one else in the same boat? I don't even think my body changes would show as a loss on the scale with the muscle I'm adding. I decided to not even check my body fat % :smile:


  • MzD27
    MzD27 Posts: 1
    hey, honestly I did my BMI and noticed I am about 15pounds overweight. I have lost 10pounds but for me there is no magic number id like to see on the scale, its more about getting healthy and I want to feel confident in a bikini & with my partner be able to be confident naked. so yes, I totally understand you. Idk what my goal weight is I only know I want to be healthy & happy :)