Getting back into it

Back in October I signed up for Myfitnesspal thanks to the advice of my cousin. I had cut my carbs down and was tracking my food and exercise on a daily basis, and as a result I had lost 10 lbs. in about a month. And then the holidays came... I allowed myself goodies daily and was "forgeting" to track my food because I knew what it would tell me "If eveyday were like today, In 5 weeks you'll 10,000 lbs.". Thankfully I only gained back a couple of the lbs. I had lost, but when I think of where I could be today without that derailment I get sad.

Tomorrow is a new day! I went grocery shopping today and stocked my fridge with low carb foods. I am now armed with my gym pass and new determination to attack fat head on! I plan on losing 20 lbs. by Easter/my daughters 2nd birthday. I know that's a pretty heafty goal, but it can and will be done!


  • KristieGonzales
    Me too! I was on a roll since joining the gym last May and due to some personal/relationship problems and some physical problems on top of that, I felt I hit a brick wall and thought, "What the heck?! Why am I doing this?" and then grabed a sweet snack (or two...or three) in attempts to make myself feel better - but always felt worse. I also was feeling the "mommy guilt" pretty badly because I always gave my full attention to my kids whenever they demanded it, and put myself on the back burner. Since joining the gym and staying commited to living a healthy lifestyle, even my husband was complaining I was at the gym too much and my kids would cry when I'd go. I gave in. But recently, my eyes have been opened! I keep reminding myself that it's NOT selfish to make myself a priority! If I don't take care of me, who will? Good for you, for getting back on the band wagon. We're all singing the same're not alone! Good luck to you!