Introducing myself - UK MFP User



  • I lost 6st last year, I reckon I would have lost 8 had I had the use of My Fitness Pal, its an awesome effective tool to have, Good luck, Im sure you will get to the goal you most desire :-)

    ps. Im from 'ULL sunny Hull :-P
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    Hello! Congrats on getting back on track. I have lost 34 pounds since last September, but needed a better accountability system, so found MFP a few days ago. The Android app for my phone is perfect, plus the daily support from others is very helpful. I just weighed in for my weekly weigh, and lost 4 pounds this week! The food diary is my savior. Calories in, calories is that simple!

    I am in sunny Florida, feel free to add me as a buddy. Have a great day losing it today!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hi and Welcome.

    I'm from the UK, North East.

    Feel free to add me (but only if you have your diary open and eating more than 1200) I want to do this the healthy way and need support from others with the same view. My diary is open and I always eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day and try and eat at least 1/2 of my exercise calories back if not all.

    good luck with your weight loss. x
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199

    I'm another ex WW member as well I lost 2 stone and got to goal but due to shift work I stopped going to the meetings.

    Feel free to add me, I'm in Barton North Lincs :smile:

    There's a team UK group as well
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I am a first time UK MFPer too though I have been here since last year off and on (due to broken hand) and lost 2st and then put one back on (broken hand = ice cream hug)

    Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me as a friend for motivation and support if you want!

    I've never 'dieted' before but during the weight had been creeping up as my habits got worse and worse so now I have squidgy bits to lose and bad habits to break! I find logging my food really helps as I have to realize what I am eating and I can look at other peoples diaries for inspiration and ideas which is great!

    Good luck with the weight loss journey and with the running
    I am struggling with running at the moment ( time and i keep getting twinges in my hip) but it's a real good feeling to get out there so I may have to start booking it in.
  • LMT90
    LMT90 Posts: 24
    I'm from the UK too, down in the South West.

    Hi everyone :smile: feel free to add me too. I'm new to all this and in need of support x
  • tommiirugby
    tommiirugby Posts: 52 Member
    Hey I am UK user! feel free to add me, everyone can and will help!