Stop Gaining while sick....

Any advice? Scale says 5lb increase since weigh-in last Friday. I know it not a "real" 5lb gain of fat, but still pretty depressing. I haven't really fallen off the wagon, eating close to normal, but definitely drinking more calories than normal in the form of orange juice, tea with honey, etc. Still achey and lungs too congested to start cardio again....
Thanks for reading my pity party....

It sux being sick and worse when feelin like I'm regaining the weight again :frown:


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I haven't really fallen off the wagon, eating close to normal, but definitely drinking more calories than normal in the form of orange juice, tea with honey, etc. Still achey and lungs too congested to start cardio again....
    Thanks for reading my pity party....

    Extra sugar from the orange and honey will definitely contribute to weight gain...

    If you are sick, then that needs to be your priority. Weight loss or weight gain is secondary when your sick... you cant work-out efficiently when you are sick (in all honesty you risk getting more sick)....

    About a month ago I got hit with the WORST upper respiratory infection possible. Had strong antibiotics, pain meds... pretty much had the Poland Spring gallon jugs lined up in front of me on the table by the couch. I made up a batch of fresh chicken stock, had homemade chicken soup at-the-ready (just chicken, vegetables, no bad starches), and thats all I know my body wanted. Chicken soup when Im sick is like this automatic "OH MY GAWD I GOTTA HAVE IT"... Did I lose or gain? I didnt care. I just wanted to get better. I didnt weigh-in either because I knew that being sick was the reason for any weight loss or gain that would appear on that scale.