Working out with a cold???

I am just curious what other people may do when they are sick. I am by no means in the contagious stage anymore and have missed almost a whole week of workouts and runs.
I made myself go twice this week. I still feel like crap.
So, my question is....Do you workout through a cold or do you reast as much as possible?????


  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Depends how ill i feel.

    If im coughing to much ill pass i cant get oxygen in.
    If im so ill im unable to eat, ill be to weak, i wont do it.

    If ive just got mild sore throat/sneezes ill workout.
  • calibellcollins
    hey buddy its so crazy you have felt bad i have been sick since tuesday. its developed into a sore throat and sinus issues. i went running once but i felt like i was off balance and didnt have good form. i could feel the pain in my knees due to it. i have taken the last few days off. im going to truy and WALK with Cali today we will see how it goes. hope you get well soon.