Opinion needed!

I'm thinking about purchasing one of the workouts from beachbody... however I don't know which one's would best suit me. I am really looking to lose weight and shape my abs and have thinner legs. I don't want to have a bulky upper body at all- My main requirement is that I lose weight and slim down and get more toned definition in my legs and abs without gaining muscle bulk. I feel like my body gets bulky with muscle instead of lean with muscle.. is it my imagination or does this really happen?


  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    I'm thinking about purchasing one of the workouts from beachbody... however I don't know which one's would best suit me. I am really looking to lose weight and shape my abs and have thinner legs. I don't want to have a bulky upper body at all- My main requirement is that I lose weight and slim down and get more toned definition in my legs and abs without gaining muscle bulk. I feel like my body gets bulky with muscle instead of lean with muscle.. is it my imagination or does this really happen?
    Hey there. Beachbody's P90X is a great program. I have been using it and it is truly one of the best programs to follow. It definitely works, and results will depend on how dedicated one is to it, however IT DOES WORK.

    For your goals of getting lean, with tighter abs, and toned legs, you should try their P90X Lean program. It is designed specifically for woman who do not want to bulk up as opposed to men. The Lean program, unlike the Classic program, adds a lot more cardio.

    So there you go. That's my opinion. Hope it helps you. Keep me updated.

  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    thank you so much! that is great advice!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I agree that P90X is a great program, having done three rounds myself! However, the Classic version is the way to go! It's physically impossible for women to get bulky because we don't have the testosterone to make it happen. Lean muscle is the only kind we can build. Muscle burns fat; the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn, even at rest.
    no problemo!

    I just discovered this site yesterday and love how easy they make it to track daily intakes of food. I just wish they could add the p90X program in their exercise section, so they can estimate approximately how many calories are lost with each exercise program. That would be ideal, but I'm not complaining.

  • ginaoakes
    ginaoakes Posts: 84

    I lost my first 35 - 40 pounds doing Slim in 6 by Beachbody with Debbie Siebers. There are three levels and each one is very challenging. It is a combination of aerobic exercise and weight training and a good workout for your abs. I had GREAT success with this product. I am working my way through P90X now and it is a very challenging !! The information I received from Beachbody was that you should have completed the Slim in 6 or the P90 workouts before moving on to the P90X. That was GREAT advise for me.

    Good luck all of the DVD's listed are wonderful and if you are consistent using them you WILL see results
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm doing P90X Lean; today was my second day actually.

    I'm not all that athletic and didn't pass some of the fitness test but I went ahead and decided to try. And I'm enjoying it a lot (even though they say the first week is the hardest). It is a very hard workout and I have a long way to go, but you're constantly moving in different ways that it's hard to tucker out any particular area before they move on to another (unless you're trying too hard to keep up with the group).