Too many carbs or too much fat?

What's worse - going over carbs or fat in a day? Which makes weight loss more difficult? I try not to go over, but it does happen sometimes...


  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    For me personally, carbs (simple sugars) are the enemy. I can eat fatty stuff like olive oil on salads or dark chicken meat, that kind of thing, but I can't do stuff like drink soda or eat white rice.

    But I've known other people where it is the opposite, where they can drink sodas or beer like crazy and not gain a pound, but if they eat cookies they start packing it on.

    So, I think you just have to figure out your thing, you know? Also, you have to figure out what you crave more. I am a total carb-aholic and if I eat simple carbs, I don't feel satisfied, I want more and more, and I end up binging. I have to stick to brown rice, quinoa, that kind of thing, and really work to stay away from simple sugars so that I can meet my goals! Hope this helps :-)
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    I agree with Barefoot-carbs are my mortal enemy. I consistently go over on the fat, and personally I don't think that's a bad thing. Carbs mess with my sugar and insulin levels, even though I'm not a diabetic. See what works for you, as everyone has different dietary concerns. Stick with it and good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I believe it totally depends on the type of carbs and the type of fat. If you are eating too much saturated fat or too many processed grains (bread, pasta, white rice, etc.) or added sugar (table sugar, syrups, honey, etc.) that's probably not good.

    But if you are over on fat from eating vegetable oils, nuts, avacado, etc., or over on carbs from fruit, vegetables and minimally processed whole grains that's probably not bad as long you aren't way over on calories and are getting enough protein.
  • alim10
    alim10 Posts: 67 Member
    It does help! Thanks for the responses. Fruit is pushing me over today (or maybe it's the other things with lots of carbs!). A pear has 25 carbs!!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    For me it's fat. My body loves carbs :)