
Hey everyone, = D
My name is Ash. Ive been struggling with my weight for about ten yrs now. Since my first was born.....go figure...LOL I'm 28 yrs old and after many yrs of feeling down and out about my weight, and giving birth to my last child 18months ago, I'm READY to get serious with my happiness!! Every time I would lose the weight and start feeling sexy and happy again, we got pregnant :)
I am done having babies, and I'm ready to jump back on the fitness wagon!! My husband and i will be celebrating our 11th Anniversary on April 14th with all our friends from back home we haven't seen in ten yrs. We never had a HS reunion, so my hubby decided to throw this big party to celebrate our anniversary, his 30th and our 10 yr HS reunion all thrown into one. We rented a venue at a club here in Houston, two live entertainments, DJ, etc... But as much as I am excited to see all our friends, I am NOT HAPPY with myself and do not want to be showing up letting all my insecurities spoil my night. I am 35 pounds away from my goal weight (130) and 20 away from my goal to reach before my anniversary and reunion party (145/150)).

New friends & support are WELCOME!!!!