Down 10 lbs but dont feel or see it.

How can I lose 10 lbs and not see a difference? I took pics and ... nothing. I look exactly the same. How can that be? Where did the 10 lbs come from? I guess its all water weight? I dont know.. but these next ten BETTER make a difference because im getting pissed. I am going to work out everyday and aim at staying at 1320 cals a day and NOT eat back the exercise cals. I mean,.. what ELSE can i do? I drink a lot of water. I work out at least 4 times a week. Patience is DEF not my thing,... im really trying here!


  • captiva0513
    How long has it been? 10# is a solid number, but I have heard it can take a WHILE to notice visible changes with the body. I've also heard playing with calorie intake can help some people with more success (more some days and less - 1200ish others). My goal on MFP is 1200/day and it seems virtually impossible most of the time. I think sometimes I feel so restricted that it causes me to say "F*** it" a little too fast.... Last year I tried this eating plan that didn't count calories but servings sizes of various food groups - you had to eat all day, so instead the focus was making sure I was constantly eating to take in everything I had to - so instead of trying to "not eat" or restrict myself all day. That with the recommended 8 glasses of water a day and I lost 2.0#/week pretty consistently. I think the bottom line is you're doing it the right way - eating healthier and exercising so hang in there. This is the positive lifestyle change I think we all want to make so it lasts, instead of coming back later on. YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!!
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    start taking measurements of your vital stats -MFP has an area on your home where you can track this.
    how about your clothes? does anything feel looser?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    What's your starting weight? The more you have to lose the less likely you're going to see any difference at a 10lb loss, I'd lost 24lb before I noticed a small difference, just keep doing what you're doing, it's obviously working, you're losing weight. How long did it take to put on the extra weight? You can't expect it to disappear over night :flowerforyou:
  • Lilith8984
    Lilith8984 Posts: 69 Member
    start taking measurements of your vital stats -MFP has an area on your home where you can track this.
    how about your clothes? does anything feel looser?

    I agree, I lost 9lbs and didn't think there was a difference at all until I measured myself...I lost 2 inches on my waist and an inch off my hips.

    Hang in there, I know it is tough but I like to think about the my healthier future self...I started my journey less than a month ago and I already have more energy. When I get discouraged and want to quit I think about why I am doing this.

    Good Luck and Don't Quit!
  • 10 pounds is fantastic, keep up the good work. I think its pretty normal to not see much change in 10 pounds even though we really would love to after all that hard work. I think I was more like 20 before I took notice, so chin up the next 10 will be much better.
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    take a deep breath and relax.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm just breath, relax! you are rockin sox off! you've done an amazing thing here! not only in losing 10 pounds (friggin awesome by the way) but YOU have done what it takes to get that success....That is even more amazing than the numbers themselves...YOU realized there was a problem (SCORE!), sought out a how-to plan to help yourself (HUGE!), used that knowledge to set up a logical plan to solve your problem (AMAZE-BALLS!)<I dont know your starting weight but i think 1320 cals with some exercise is very logical and shows that you are not just into a quick "fix"--you're smarter than that, you know to be logical, GO YOU!> So...then, you actually carried out your plan! OMG those few sentences alone give you more power than you know. Now, you actually have success...real, measurable, beautiful success! Holy friggin PERFECTION!!!! Just in that you have done what some folks dream of doing but never get the where-with-all to even try much less succeed....Now for the tough love....Dont you dare, For a Second! Down play your success because YOU cant SEE it! Look beyond the mirror and inside and see it (but believe me the 10# change IS there physically, it is harder to see it on ourselves but the change IS there) the scale sees it and that means measurable success, you cant refute that. I could see if you were trying and there was no change in the scale then be a bit frustrated but forge through...You have done it, keep it up and dont NOT EVEN FOR A SECOND get 'pissed' that you arent getting some certain result that you hold as gold in your head...change the perception because you have clearly obtained more success than you are seeing...NEVER let that escape you, we are too hard on ourselves when we are unsuccessful to be allowing these major victories to go under our radar! celebrate you, girly!!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I promise you that the loss is there, but you just don't see it. I agree with the others that if you measure yourself you will see the difference. It is a hard concept that seems really easy that muscle weighs more than fat but is denser, so it is smaller. I used to look at people that weighed the same as me & say to myself, "do I look like that?" I have ALWAYS weighed more than many others in my peer group & everyone always said that I looked ok. I am doing this thing at my gym where we take nutrition classes plus personal nutrition class, the instructor brought out these models of 5 lbs of muscle & 5 lbs of fat. The fat was much bigger & "fluffy" & frankly just gross. But they BOTH weighed 5 lbs and the muscle was probably 1/3 of the mass. So, please don't get discouraged. It is coming may even noticed your pants get tighter for a short while, while you are building muscle and losing fat, but then, your pants will be so loose & it will all be worth it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    Take your measurements...that's where you will see the biggest change. Also...I really didn't see changes with myself til about 20lbs . 10 lbs is great! keep it up :)
  • triplejay1
    triplejay1 Posts: 84 Member
    You see yourself every day, you may not notice when you lose weight or inches.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Echo: Measurements will capture those imperceptible changes. That being said, I didn't really notice a lot of change until I was more between 20 and 30 pounds lost. When your clothes start feeling loose and baggy, it's a wonderful thing. Don't be discouraged and just keep punching!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    First, congratulations on the 10lbs good for you!!!

    Especially if it's your first 10lbs you may not see it. Try not to lose motivation over not seeing it right away, you may not see it right yet. But pretty soon you'll be down 15lbs, then 20lbs and before you no it, you'll see it.

    Keep up the good work, stay positive, stay focused.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Plus the first 10 lbs or so is water weight. That next 5 and on out will be fat and whatnot. Be patient and congrats to you!!

  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I didn't start noticing until I lost 20 pounds. I did, however, put some pants on after I lost 10 pounds and I could ABSOLUTELY tell that I'd lost weight!

    Sometimes the 10 pounds can be from bloating leaving your body, that's why people tend to drop 10 so fast!

    Don't be discouraged, keep going! You'll notice soon enough!
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    you are always your own worst critic. I lost 20 before I "seen" any results. Like others before have said, keep track of your measurements. An inch here or there isn't really noticeable w/ the naked eye, but on paper its like "YES!!!" Keep up the great work!!
  • humveez3
    humveez3 Posts: 3 Member
    The best advice is always repeated on here, so let me say it again: How long did it take to put on the weight? It wasn't overnight.

    You're probably thinking you put in all this effort, so now you should look like Jennifer Anniston or some other unrealistic model. That's not what it's about. Judge yourself based on your own self at the start, not the end goal of looking like someone you aren't. I'm a guy and I'm very fit and athletic, but I'm not like Brad Pitt or one of those characters. I'd like to be, and it's why I'm on here, but I can't judge myself based on some ideal image that I don't have the time, money, or assistance to achieve.

    I've just gotta look in the mirror and feel like a good version of me.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Several friends have lost 15-20 lbs and nobody seems to notice any difference. I've lost roughly 17 and nobody has said a word to me. It seems a little discouraging, but what are you going to do? Go eat a pan of brownies so you can gain the weight back?

    Where do you want to be a year from now: sitting on the couch moaning about your misery, or having reached some of your weight goals and feeling great about life?

    This is a journey.... you're in it for the long haul, right? If you have before and after pics, post them here and we'll all find something to motivate you! Good luck, and congrats on the 10#.
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Ditto what everyone else is saying. You are a beautiful young lady. Keep that wedding day in your sights to keep motivated to lose the pounds you want to lose. When you get to your wedding day, you will be the beautiful bride you envision!
  • Elizabeth0913
    Don't get discouraged, the knowledge of losing 10 pounds is excellent motivation to keep up the awesome work you are doing!!
  • Single_Ma
    I've lost 10 lbs and can't see a "visual" difference in pictures (yet), but I can "feel" a difference. I feel better about myself, I'm not as winded when I do certain exercises, I can finish Jillian's 30 Day Shred without wanting to pass out half way through, my sugar cravings have reduced significantly. I could go on and on. Also, when I take my measurements, there IS an even bigger difference.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the results in any way they come (e.g. the scale, measurements, clothing size, endurance). By the way, next time you go to the grocery store, pick up two 5 lb bags of sugar or potatoes and hold them while you shop. Then tell us if you notice THAT difference. :-)

    CONGRATS on the 10 lb loss!
  • shanghaiskinny2be
    maybe i should wear my skinny jeans tonight just to 'see' if it can get past my bum area....if i do get into them, i am so rocking it to work the next day!