Has anyone started...?

Have you tried Jillian Michael's new workout videos Body Revolution? It kicks your *kitten*.


  • hkussatz
    I just started 2 days ago... LOVE IT! Im really excited for results :) I did the Insanity 60 day program and was not sore once..... I woke up this morning after 2 days of JM and could feel it! I really enjoy her videos, especially this one.
  • jbiz65
    How are her workouts different than the Insanity? Are they expensive?
  • hkussatz
    They incorporate weights and resistance. Her cardio is just under 30 mins, consisting of 3 circuits of exercises. You do each exercise for a minute before moving onto the next without resting. Her intervals are designed to give you "little breaks" while you're still moving (i.e. going from marching to fast feet to punching etc. ) I saw a difference in body immediately! Only on Day 4 but i get excited for getting up to work out.
    Body Revolution is pricey (around $130 i think)